The Wolverine - 7/10 Best one so far. I suspect the uncut/directors cut bluray could improve that score just a tad.
The Sound of My Voice - 7.5/10 I need to rewatch this one for sure. Not sure exactly what to make of the plot yet.
The Bourne Legacy - 5/10 Rachel Weisz thouroughly ruins this movie as hard as she can. Some things we're too rehashed like the motorcycle chase with her on the back and going down steps etc. But Weisz has lost every ounce of talent and is just a terrible actress now.
Ghosts of Mars - 6/10 Not bad but the way Ice Cube and the cops kept getting the drop on each other and taking the other's weapons got to be like a keystone cops sketch. Carpenter clearly hasn't had much experiance shooting movies like this with so much cgi etc.
I've been meaning to see this one for a while and after hearing Mark Whalberg wants to remake it I figured I'd best watch it before he ruins it. What a great movie , some of the most intense scenes I've ever seen.
At least the daughter wasn't as annoying. I really wanted her boyfriend to follow Bryan into the bathroom at the end in the ice cream place and try to kill him. That would have been hilarious.
What about the first 4 Scary Movies made you think 5 was worth a try?
I walked out of Scary Movie 1 ... and temporarily revoked my wife's movie selection privileges because she had picked it. One of the worst movies I've ever seen almost half of. (She also got a temporary revocation after Sweet November. Holy crap that was terrible. Just die already.).
This was a weird movie. I like the way it started out, making Damien out to be a really sneaky bastard who did lots of charity work, feeding hungry masses, etc. while planning his ambitions of making the world safe for Satan. But it slowly started becoming more predictable, and by half-way through a lot of the tension was gone. Ending was pretty lame IMO. Some nice death scenes though. Some pretty shocking moments. Neil is very good in the role.