Still my favorite Batman film. Despite its flaws, the only one to truly do the character justice IMO.
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers 2/10
Aweful excuse for a Halloween movie. I hadnt seen it before and it was on Netflix so thought why not. Horrible idea. Paul Rudd in a "serious" role.
Friday The 13th - Part 3 6.5/10
Havent watched it since I was a kid. Its a good movie as far as an origin story, but the acting and dialogue are pretty bad and with the quality of the movie with the cheesy 3D dates it pretty bad. But still a classic.
Friday The 13th - Part 4 8/10
Much better than Part 3 in my opinion. Kind of a doofy ending but still good.
You guys throw nines and tens around like candy. Hollywood loves you!
Never liked that one. The Halloween series gets me frustrated, I love the original, its a classic, then you have good ones, and then you have crap like curse, and a few others.
Love your sig BTW! Shes a goddess
And thanks. Danielle Harris is the next great scream queen.
Spring Breakers 8.5/10
Loved the dreamy, neon drenched vibe.
Couldn't invest in any of the characters but I did think Franco turned in a superb performance. Almost unrecognisable.
I did however like the message Korine set out to tell. Definitely an experience.
I need to find that on Blu Ray...if it is on Blu Ray.
KICK-A$$ 2
Kick @$$ 2-8.5/10
Elysium - 8/10
Elysium: 8/10