Sorry Gaspar buddy. I was so pumped going in, especially after the sublime Flashpoint Paradox, but I ended up waiting for the movie to start until I realized it was nearly over.
Everyone is horribly characterized as well. Lantern is cocky, Batman is dumber than his other incarnations (explaining his back story to someone else is something he would never do), Superman's a douche, Flash had the personality of a cardboard box, Captain Mar.. I mean Shazam is a horny overgrown kid, Cyborg is just there at the flick of s switch, and Wonder Woman behaves like a teenage girl. The heroes "band together" because the story told them to and had no chemistry whatsoever. It's blatantly apparent when their grand plan to beat Darkseid was to "blind him."
Darkseid is a tank floating around waiting for someone to beat the crap out of him. And where was law enforcement all this time? No news coverage at all?
It's like I'm watching Justice League: 4th Graders Unite!.
That's fair, I agree that the story is super dumb and thin, but I liked the characterizations, GL is usually cocky, he was just toned up a bit, and Flash was toned down but I still think he was very likeable, Cap was funny IMO, a bit childish yeah but you know, he is a kid

I assume you mean Superman's line: "what can you do?" I thought that was funny, he was up against a suicidal parademon, then a guy that emanated green light, so when he faced a man dressed as a bat, it was a pretty obvious question and IMO pitch perfect, other than that can't think of any other possibly dbag moments.
For Batman, it was a leap of faith, GL needed a catalyst to trust Bats and put his **** together and his confession did it, I don't think he was dumb, he figured a big chunk of what was going on by himself and saved Supes.
I thought WW and Cyborg were cool too.
Despite being a dumb movie, with an excuse to have an all out super brawl, I enjoy it a lot, it's super fun.
Yes FP paradox is way way superior, but War is better than SoB IMO.
Have you seen JLA adventures trapped in time? Another dumb plot but this time intentionally dumb, it's a love letter to Super Friends, just a silly JLA movie, worth a watch.
PS: sorry for the long reply.
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