Super Freak
Chocolate - 7.5/10

Bone Tomahawk - 7/10
I wasn't expecting much from this one, but it was filled with witty dialog, and likable main characters in a rather simplistic rescue plot. There were some good action scenes, too, with lots of tension and one unfortunate gore scene that I didn't need to see. This is perhaps, one of the best movies with Kurt Russell that I've seen. Highly recommended, although the ending did leave me a bit unsatisfied.
Yeah, I don't think his recent films have been truly great like his earlier ones. But there are few who can continually churn out A+ level films. Even the Coen Brothers fail to hit the mark now and again.I've heard this (haven't seen it yet). Tarantino hasn't made an excellent film in a long time. Plenty of good ones, but by his own standards, and our expectations, it seems he's in a prolonged funk.
Adagio for Strings - 1e+22/10
The Force Awakens: 3/10
Predictable and boring. The actor and actress who played Fin and Rey were terrible.
It was good to see Han Solo, Luke, Chewbacca, C-3Po and R2 again.
People say the PTs were bad (I enjoyed those).
Yikes. Definitely personal preference here. I've seen it three times. Rey and Finn are two of my favorite characters now.
TFA Third viewing rating - 8/10
I agree and don't think Platoon would be as moving with any other soundtrack. Not a knock against the movie. I saw it twice and enjoyed it enough but that piece is haunting.
Artificial Intelligence
As a film overall ------------------ 6,5/10
As Spielberg's tribute to Kubrick - 8,5/10
Loved it when I was a kid, then hated it in my early adulthood.
Now I want to hate it but can't resist its charm.
It seems I went throught all stages of human attitude towards David...
That's the true meaning of art right there.