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Dead Pool 7.5 /10 - it was different being R rated...not all funny moments worked but the vast majority worked well. Though action worked well and I really enjoyed Reynolds in the role.
I watched Big Trouble In Little China all the way through for the first time last night --- 8 / 10.

Lots of great action, old school FX, classic Kurt, & two smokin' babes. :lol

I thought I'd like it more than I did actually, but it's still a great movie nonetheless.

A Carpenter classic. :duff
Cabin Fever (2016) - 0.3/10

Thank god I didn't have to pay to see this. Aside from the terrifying prospect of Hollywood now remaking films less than 14 years old, it has to be seen to be believed just how passionless and soulless this film is. Before the title has even appeared, it's made two references to 'pancakes', because that's all anyone remembers from the original - which it then settles into remaking shot-for-shot, beat-for-beat. Only it does so somehow less competently, and with absolutely no sense of fun or invention. The handful of changes, such as genderbending the lecherous deputy Winston, or replacing the running 'n****r' joke with a nougat joke, are so trivial or otherwise underdeveloped as to make no impact on the overall structure.

This is a film that has no business existing. It feels more like something that rolled off an automated assembly line than it does something created by human effort.
Cabin Fever (2016) - 0.3/10

Thank god I didn't have to pay to see this. Aside from the terrifying prospect of Hollywood now remaking films less than 14 years old, it has to be seen to be believed just how passionless and soulless this film is.

Nevertheless I'm just going to take your word for it.
Southbound (horror anthology)


Was hesitant to watch it because some reviews were saying it didn't all come together, but damn was it a great watch. Each segment was wholly entertaining and extremely interesting even if a couple felt incomplete. It has a few genres mixed in, something for everybody. Smart, funny, gory, and a bit nerve-wracking. I will say though it was never full on scary, but it is a nice change of pace from the tongoue in cheek/ self aware horrors weve been seeing lately. I'd suggest it to any horror fan, especially those that are fans of vhs or the twilight zone.
An American Werewolf in London - 8/10

Watched again after many years, was curious how it would look in HD, holds up amazingly well. The movie still has the absolute best werewolf transformation ever filmed, and some of the best, most creative use of practical effects in any movie, ever. The only thing that looks bad are the zombie soldiers in David's dream.
American History X - 10/10

Pan's Labyrinth - 10/10

For some reason I hadn't gotten around to this sooner, and boy did I find the Pale Man scary as hell. It's been a while since a fictional character has made me feel that unnerved - the mixture of that creepy design, unnatural body movements and the whole child murder aspect made for one very intense sequence.

I've seen that whole movie once but about 2 minutes of it quite a bit more.

:lol :lol :lol
Dredd 8/10

I really wish the Neo/Tech Noir Genre was larger, anybody have suggestions. Already seen (Blade Runner, L.A. Confidential, Seven, Looper, Chinatown, part of Dark City)
Dredd 8/10

I really wish the Neo/Tech Noir Genre was larger, anybody have suggestions. Already seen (Blade Runner, L.A. Confidential, Seven, Looper, Chinatown, part of Dark City)

For cyberpunk/tech noir, I have some suggestions but keep in mind they're mostly B-movies. You've already seen the cream of the crop.

Split Second
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer
Johnny Mnemonic
Escape From New York
Welt Am Draht
Strange Days

No idea if you're into animation or not, but there's a very rich seam of Japanese animated cyberpunk out there, starting with Akira and Ghost in the Shell.
Ghost in the shell yes, Akira I didn't like and yes I know its hailed as one of the greatest. I was thinking about starting Ergo Proxy as I have heard good things. Just finished Perfect Blue and what a mind ****.
Avengers 2 - 3/10

Second viewing.
If only the script wasn't so poor and full of pointless characters and inappropriate humor...
Heck, I could even get behind the idea of animate and humorous Ultron if he was better written and looking.
And MY GOD, half the CGI in this film is ****in' terrible...
... which is kinda sad, because I love these characters.
Same. Wouldn't even touch this one second time if I didn't care.

Love Rogers and he is solid enough in AoU but lacks the commanding presence.
Hulk/Tasha is definitely second worse part of the film (first being Ultron).
Despite the lack of screen time, Vision is the bes part for me - both the character and Paul Bettany are awesome.
*I don't even like his and Cap's designs and still...*