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Empire of the Sun - 6.5/10

Decent movie, enjoyed it. Can hardly ever really dislike a Speilberg film. Was neat seeing a very young Christian Bale as the lead.
Super 8 - 6/10
The vvitch - 8/10 Need to watch it again.

Not one bit scary, just eerie and completely fascinating, but I don't think I appreciated fully in my 1st watch.
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Fast & Furious 4: 4/10

Never seen any of the Fast & Furious movies, but I was curious about Justin Lin since he's doing the next Star Trek movie, and I miss seeing some good car stunts. Unfortunately the movie was kinda blah and the stunts weren't all that exciting. Not sure if I should bother with the next one like I was planning to.
The Resurrection of Jake the Snake: 7/10

Lots of drama, and the movie ends on a note of hopefulness for two wrestling legends (Jake and Scott Hall). Quite an about face from Beyond the Mat, another documentary from the '90s that was really exploitative re: Jake's drug addiction. I was in New Orleans when both were inducted into the Hall of Fame, and knew that Jake was helped out tremendously by Diamond Dallas Page, but didn't have any idea of all that was involved. More than anything, this movie shows how awesome DDP is. But those other guys helped to give him opportunities back in the day, and now he's paying it back. One of my big takeaways here is that good karma comes back around. I hope neither of those guys falls too far off the wagon again. Jake's life has been so filled with darkness.
Just watch that earlier too. Jake looked pretty bad for a old dude, 300lb or so. Bout the same rating. Thought it dragged a bit.
Never seen any of the Fast & Furious movies, but I was curious about Justin Lin since he's doing the next Star Trek movie, and I miss seeing some good car stunts. Unfortunately the movie was kinda blah and the stunts weren't all that exciting. Not sure if I should bother with the next one like I was planning to.
Watch first two films, they're fun.
I watched Beyond the Mat a week ago again. Truly eye opening about the industry. It really made me hate the Rock for how overboard he went on Mick with the chair, and didn't even check on him afterward.

Strangely enough, I've been watching a bunch of interviews from over the years about the Montreal Screwjob. Sucks Bret left WWF only to get messed up by dumb Goldberg and forced into retirement.
It's an unashamed outright copy of at least three franchises - glued together, but as Snake says, the premise & overall atmosphere were great.

Sam Neil's performance was instrumental to it having any shred of legitimacy though. :lol
It's an unashamed outright copy of at least three franchises - glued together, but as Snake says, the premise & overall atmosphere were great.

Sam Neil's performance was instrumental to it having any shred of legitimacy though. :lol

Although he took me out of the film here :rotfl

If we never get another great crack at Logan, those initial X1 scenes will be nigh impossible to surpass.

They were as close as it gets to spot on. :rock
