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It by "fits" you mean they used a shortcut to tearjerk the audience, I agree.
If by shortcut you mean that it was correctly used within a narrative device, great!

As for "you don't like sad stuff" - again, look up fallacious argument.
My bad, I just assumed that you didn't like good examples of how this stuff should be handled then you didn't like them at all.

I already said I'm only addressing these poor (IMO) examples. I gave my reasons, explicitly.
You did? Oh I have to re-read your posts then, all I saw were broad strokes... Unless you mean the 2 points I addressed, then they were just plain incorrect.

And the exploitive nature is evident in the definition of "exploitation" and an honest viewing of the movies, whether you agree with the assessment or not.
Oh, then you misused exploitation, just like you did phonics, shortcut and straw man. All makes sense now.

I'll leave it at that. Enjoy the last word if you must. :duff

It was good, thanks.
Doctor Strange 5.5/10

Some nice visuals, but the typically perfunctory MCU story told in the most obvious and contemptuous manner possible. The humor is also horribly out of place and ruins the majority of the most interesting sequences and moments.
Doctor Strange 5.5/10

Some nice visuals, but the typically perfunctory MCU story told in the most obvious and contemptuous manner possible. The humor is also horribly out of place and ruins the majority of the most interesting sequences and moments.
I agree. They had a fantastic topic to go nuts, and have people eat it up since everybody loves Marvel, and they just tiptoed around it and remade Thor The Dark World, what bugs me the most is how they wasted Mads, just have a random no-name if your villain is villains/template03, the performances were surprisingly good though, Cumberbatch seems somewhat committed.

Some of the action was imaginative but sadly the rest was just anime :lol And it's 90% on RT :rotfl how?
I agree. They had a fantastic topic to go nuts, and have people eat it up since everybody loves Marvel, and they just tiptoed around it and remade Thor The Dark World, what bugs me the most is how they wasted Mads, just have a random no-name if your villain is villains/template03, the performances were surprisingly good though, Cumberbatch seems somewhat committed.

Some of the action was imaginative but sadly the rest was just anime :lol And it's 90% on RT :rotfl how?

The MCU has a history of wasting so much talent with bland and uninvolving villains. Mads, Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce, Lee Pace, Mickey Rourke, Christopher Eccleston, and so on. The only villain in any of these movies that has come close to being a fully realized character was Ultron, a digital creation, which speaks volumes about how important the flesh and blood actors are to their films.

Seriously, this film should have been called "Mystical Iron Man Begins Reloaded."
Logan - 9.5/10

It's not that, it's that you focused on the flashy parts and that triggers me :lol but the flashy parts are cool, in fact I wonder if a sequel could be made, seems like this story has 2001 franchise potential in terms of expansion, the sequel wouldn't need to be so personal and could almost just jump the shark.

We could see more of dem cool tentacles like it's Japan in the 2000's.

I was pretty out of it during my first viewing, so I'll give it another watch. Sorry. :lol
I liked Arrival and didn't think the Amy Adams personal story was about tear-jerking, at least I didn't find it very effective if that's what it was going for. To me it fit in with the ...

... circular nature of the movie and the language that they gave her and how it fit into choices that humans make, it was an extension of the sci-fi element that the aliens introduced and some of the life/death decisions that were being made by the generals/governments.