Super Freak
Now I would rate Get Out between 9 and 8.5...
I still agree with you, it's highly overrated...
Now I would rate Get Out between 9 and 8.5...
I still agree with you, it's highly overrated...
I think the praise it received had more to do with the political alignment of critics, than with recognizing the movie itself
And Gaspi gave it a 9 because "muh subtext...very Snyderian"
And Gaspi gave it a 9 because "muh subtext...pure Snyder"
Ghost in the Shell (live action) -- 6/10 It was ok. After settling in and accepting the movie for what it is, I was more thrown off by Takeshi always speaking Japanese and everyone answering in English instead than anything else. Effects were pretty cool, city was pretty, blah, blah, blah, but I still don't know why anyone felt they had to make this into a live action film. Hollywood needs to learn to just leave some **** alone. After GITS, I have no desire to see an Akira live action film. The anime for these properties is all you need.
The only live action of Anime/Manga I can watch is Japanese made. While their budgets and CGI aren't USA level, at least their faithful to the source material for the most part of what I've seen. While I'm not entirely familiar with GITS, word of mouth seemed like it was faithful... just poorly executed.
The Japanese Death Note movies take liberties with the story, but it's got the core theme in there. They're not amazing, but I don't hate them at all.
The Bleach Japanese live action teaser I thought looked good.
The Bleach teaser did look good.
GITS was fine for the most part. It was faithful to the story and there were some exact shots from the anime in the film. It had some stuff that threw me off while watching it, but overall, I liked it. I may watch it one more time to see if I missed anything the first time, but it's not a film that has a ton of rewatch value. I'll stick to the anime when I'm in the mood for it again.
Death Wish 3 -/10
I've mentioned it before, but I'm almost glad that Berserk is pretty niche and will never get a film. They can't even adapt it right to Anime, let alone beyond that.