RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

watched Walk Hard over the weekend.
Laughed my ass off. 8/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Angels and Demons 6/10. Ehh, it was fine. I'm not the least bit precious about the source material so I didn't care about what they changed and condensed from the book. There is one really cool explosion in the movie, though. Very nicely done.

By the way, the book is pretty okay. Much better than the Da Vinci Code. It's a fun read. Nothing earth shattering, but entertaining. My wife read Dan Brown's newest book, the Lost Symbol and said it was absolutely terrible. A&D is the best of the three.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

A Perfect Getaway 7.5/10

Saw the twist coming a mile away but a pretty decent movie
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Sukiyaki Western Django - 6/10

Not one of Takashi Miike's best. There were some good action scenes and cool visuals, but I didn't like it as much as I was hoping to.

And Tarantino was awful in it. :mad:
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

People saying things like this make me lose faith for humanity... :(

touche. fair enough...we have different opinions, and obviously we dont see eye to eye. still though, elf was one of the worst, WORST movies i have ever seen, if i gave it a 0/10, it would be a high score from me, so imo your score is way to high. personally, you need to see some real comedies
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

And then maybe we should give up our rights and our incomes and everything we do should be for the good of society.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

OK I have seen some Christmas Movies so here it goes

Muppet Christmas Carol, 8 out of 10
Family Man, 7 out of 10 (Surprisingly good)
Gremlins Blu-Ray, 8 out of 10 Picture 6 out of 10 (Better than a DVD, but you should expect more from Blu-Ray)
Miracle on 34th Street Remake, 8.5 out of 10 (Better than the original :horror)
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Finally saw Star Trek on Blu. Loved it even though I never liked anything from Star Trek previously. 8/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Avatar - 10/10

Brilliant, amazing, fantastic......????ing awesome! That just about sums up what I thought of this movie. James Cameron FTFW!!!!! :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Avatar - 10/10

Brilliant, amazing, fantastic......????ing awesome! That just about sums up what I thought of this movie. James Cameron FTFW!!!!! :rock

:rock :rock :rock

Really glad you liked it bud! :banana