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Why do I have to keep corecting you folks.. :lol

SOME of it's terrible.


..& you're absolute right - it's THE best of the three prequels by a country mile. :duff

True the whole movie isn't terrible. I like the pod race as well as the end lightsaber fight and the score is great.
The Hateful Eight: 8/10 - not as strong as QT's others but still very solid and worth seeing. Didn't need to be 3 hrs long.
A friend of mine couldn't believe his ears when I told him this was my position.

Alas it was Xmas eve and time was short, I didn't get to explain why I was right and he was wrong :lol

It's interesting to read peoples' thoughts on those movies now that 11 years have passed since ROTS, but the old chestnuts still get perpetuated don't they. :lol
Sicario - 7/10 Really enjoyed it. Pace was great and the story really solid.

WolfCop - 1/10 (for an actual movie) 8/10 (for cheesy, over the top, 80's style nonsense) I enjoyed it.

Ex Machina - 8/10 Wow. Much better than expected.

Knock Knock - 2/10 Has to be one of the lamest movies I have seen.

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse - 4/10 Mindless and entertaining Zombie movie. But, that's all you really need right?

The Martian - 8/10 Great looking movie. Damon really sold it.

The Force Awakens - 7/10 (for the first half) 4/10 for the second. 10/10 compared to prequels.

Vikings Seasons 1 &2 - 9/10 Now that is entertaining TV.
The Martian. Absolutely incredible in every aspect. 9/10. Would work great as a mini-series, would have loved it to play out more.
I'm going to watch 'Reign Of Fire' for the first time tonight - bought it yesterday.

Been meaning to check this one out for ages, so hope it's alright. :lol
Kill Me Three Times - 3/10 Some funny moments and some shockers. All in all, pretty mediocre.

He Never Died - 3/10 I am a guy that likes dry humor and there was a bit of that. Rollins was entertaining. The story just didn't do it for me. Could have been fleshed out more.

Bone Tomahawk - 4/10 I give it one point for being a western, one for having Kurt Russell, one for Russell's mustache, and one for the story/performances. Not upset I watched it, just think they could have cut 30 minutes and had the same movie.
I'm going to watch 'Reign Of Fire' for the first time tonight - bought it yesterday.
Been meaning to check this one out for ages, so hope it's alright. lol
Bon voyage!
I've seen it on a big screen back there in 2002, liked it and re-watchin' from time to time.
The Martian - 7/10

Serviceable. Very well done in pretty much every department but ultimately bland. And the crowd in London... stoopid.

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