I'm sure it'll get better, I'm just not sure what they'll do in the third movie.It was more of a introduction movie as well. I honestly think this will be the weakest of the three movies. I'm sure we're in for bigger surprises in the next one!![]()
Yeah, I don't have a problem with chips or golf whatsoever. Chips were referenced in the first movie, and if you didn't know that "chips" mean french fries in England, well, I don't know what to tell ya.
But I suppose I can see the golf thing throwing people off. I liked the reference, since I must have read it in the Hobbit or Appendices or whatever - I knew Tolkien came up with it originally.
I liked it quite a bit but it wasn't a perfect movie.
The different more lighthearted tone was for me, more welcome then the heavier somewhat more adult feeling of the LOTR movies. However, I felt that there wasn't really a purpose to the movie other then deciphering the map and getting out of trouble on their travels, if it had more of a goal for the first movie, I would've liked it more.
There's also the reference to Potatoes in The Two Towers. Potatoes were introduced to Europe in the late 16 century, something similar to modern golf was around 50+ years before that, possibly even much earlier.
I just chock it up to this being a fantasy movie that doesn't take place at any time in history.
The movie was basically dwarves aimlessly running for 3 hours. You could get drunk enough to pass out 2 hours in if you play a drinking game to take a shot every time Gandalf said "RUN!"
I didn't much enjoy the bumbling nature of the dwarves either. Felt kinda like a 3 stooges movie sometimes.
LotR trilogy is second only to SW in my book. All time classic. This isn't even in my top five movies of the year.![]()
CNN called this one of the worst movies of 2012 https://www.cnn.com/2012/12/28/showbiz/movies/10-worst-movies-2012/?hpt=hp_t3
If you've never read the book you probably expect it to be The Lord of the Rings redux which it will never be.
And that's the fault of WB and PJ and whoever was responsible for the marketing strategy of The Hobbit. The trailers have the same tone as the LOTR films.
It's backfired badly for them in terms of its critical reception.
It goes both ways. Whilst I don't think it's a bad film as the majority of critics would have you believe, I don't think it's anywhere near the level of the original 3. Like I said, marketing for The Hobbit has a large part of the blame IMO. The film is almost nothing like what the trailers suggest.
We'll have to agree to disagree then.
And that's the fault of WB and PJ and whoever was responsible for the marketing strategy of The Hobbit. The trailers have the same tone as the LOTR films.
It's backfired badly for them in terms of its critical reception.
PJ/Middle Earth is yesterday's news to critics. I think they're all to eager to show how hip they are by having moved on and flogging this film as if its the next TPM or KOTCS. I have a feeling that when this new trilogy is said and done they're going to feel like a bunch of idiots.
The Hobbit seems to be the next King Kong, PJ's last film that was criminally overlooked and underrated.
I disagree. The trailers were upfront about dwarves singing, Bilbo's less than heroic antics and guys riding bunny sleds. I got exactly what I was prepared to see. If anything I was surprised at all the decapitations and dismemberings that were absolutely LOTR-style violence. Bilbo and Gollum's exchange could have been at home in any LOTR film, and the trailers hinted at that too.
I think this one is all on the critics.