Yeah it's not the worst thing I've ever played, but the pedigree of the original trilogy really eclipses and shows what a POS that game was by comparison.
Wasn't Ustanak a ****** Nemesis ripoff?He's **** tier by comparison.
Everything in the game was garbage. The only reason I gave it a good score is because it's a solid action game, but that's about it. The writing is painful, the characters are lame and uninspired, plot is messy- Sherry's Wolverine powers? Well that went nowhere!
I guess the best thing about it for the RE lore is that the acting is really great, and the branching story is an evolution of RE2.
I think outside of Leon and Ada's campaigns should of been cut, and Helena should of been Claire. The only thing I did enjoy in the actual story was Leon meeting Ada again... but it had no pay off. I did appreciate before Leon and Ada parted ways, they played RE2's Ada theme.
Jake is gahbege.
Jake's campaign was a poor Uncharted 2 rip off, they even had the helicopter and plane scenes transplanted directly from Uncharted, only 1000x worse in every sense of the word. I think RE6's only real saving grace would the the co-op, so other than that I'd rather play Uncharted any day of the week than this.
Now to finish RE0, UC, DC, Revelations and Rev 2- the last 4 RE games I've never beaten.![]()
Resident Evil Zero (PS4)
Had the original release for the Gamecube for decades but was never compelled to beat it until today. While the game isn't bad by any means- the lack of interesting enemies, excessive backtracking and nonsensical story holds it back from true greatness. Beautiful graphics and eerie atmosphere makes it a must play for classic RE fans.
That's pretty much my stance on it. Although I suggest you get the remaster, more work definitely went into that than REmake. Although they gave Billy weird squinty eyes in it.
I really hate the lack of item slots in the game. The grenade launcher and shotgun shouldn't take up two spaces.
Oh, I played it PS4, but I can't bring myself to get rid of the GC copy due to being physical.
I thought the characters were severely underdeveloped. Even the ending where they both parted ways, was pretty much Rebecca: "See ya", Billy: "K".
Still a good game though, don't get me wrong.
Yakuza 0 - 9/10 Best entry in the series. I spent 30 hours playing the mini games alone. Good storyline and likable characters. Having both Kiryu and Majima playable is a big plus.