thanks for the info Kiva! Anyone have any suggest for a good horror game on PS4? I'm looking for something that will scare the hell out of me.
I guess scariness depends on the individual, but as far as getting your horror fill I would recommend these:
Until Dawn
Alien Isolation
Resident Evil 7
Haven't played the ones below but I hear they're also worth checking out.
Amnesia: Collection
Little Nightmares
SOMA (as mentioned)
Silent Hill (PS1)
Haunting from start to finish, with amazing sound design and psychological scares. Still an amazing game after 18 years.
**Note that there's a widespread sound glitch when on playing the game on a PS3 where your firing weapons would ruin the sound of the game. It's unfortunate that this hampers the game by the need to constantly resetting the game.
The Silent Hill marathon continues!
Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
Brilliantly crafted psychological horror that will keep you on edge till the shocking conclusion. An unconventional mix of atmosphere, artistry, subtlety and restraint creates a disturbing subject matter and a realization that what you don't see is much scarier rather than what you do.
While some tedious pacing and ridiculously easy gameplay holds it back from being perfect, this is a quintessential piece for anyone looking for something more in their horror experience rather than cheap spooks.
Well, back to the Silent Hill marathon!
Silent Hill 3 (PS2).
When it comes to the "Best Silent Hill Game", the second and third installment seems to always be in a head to head battle. While Silent Hill 2 still has the best story in the series, it seems Team Silent was adamant on improving on areas they think they could still push the envelope on. The result is a game that is much prettier, scarier, nastier, better paced and all around tougher in addition to without a shadow of a doubt, the best protagonist in the series.
A story that doesn't really shake your core like its' predecessor and a severely short play time are the only two things that holds it back from absolute perfection.
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica (Sega Dreamcast)
Which versions of the games would you recommend? I was going to get the PS3 remasters but I was wondering if there was an advantage to the originals.
I need to play CV again. How do you hook up the DreamCast?
Which versions of the games would you recommend? I was going to get the PS3 remasters but I was wondering if there was an advantage to the originals.
I don't do anything special: composite cable > AV switcher > television. My TV is only 43" so the display isn't an eyesore.
Oh no, for the love of God, stay away from the 360/PS3 HD Remasters. Don't listen to what some defenders might say, it IS beyond bad!
There are a few ways to play SH2/3. The best versions are still the PS2 versions, but if you don't have a PS2 anymore you can use PCSX2 emulation on PC, provided your PC is powerful enough to run it. The second best way to play these games are the PC ports themselves. SH2's horrible PC port was fixed by fans over the years and SH3 was always a very good port on PC to begin with.
Personally though, I play them on a real PS2 trough an expensive upscaler hooked up to the TV so it's not a cost effective solution.Are you a fan of the series?
Oh geez, okay, I won't!I still have a PS2 which still works (I think). Do the original releases go for a lot of money?
Also I haven't played any of the SH games yet; I was hoping to jump into the series.
Oh wow, you're so in for a treat then.
The first game is $5 on PSN, and it's playable on a PS3/Vita. The used market for the rest of the sequels go around $25-35 I think.
If you really do still have a PS2, hook it up with Component cables and you'll be fine. With the exception of the first one which is kinda clunky, they all hold up remarkably well, and benefit from the low-res visuals.
The first 4 games are definitely the best, as those were made by the original developers. It's hard to talk about what's so great about the series without playing them but it's quintessential videogame horror.![]()
That's what I've been told.
I'd really like to own them physically, so I'll check my local retro-modern game store to see if they have it. I'm about 90% sure my PS2 still works. I still have a CRT laying around here somewhere.
Shame about the later games. Evan Wells (co-president of Naughty Dog) had a good metaphor for that when talking about the later Crash games handled by Traveler's Tales, saying it was "like watching your daughter do porn".
Thanks for the help dude!
Sweet! PS2 and a CRT is even better since unless you're willing to spend cash on an expensive upscaler, retro consoles on HDTV will always look like crap.
Oh, another thing about the Silent Hill series- they're actually not that fun to play, at least from a gameplay perspective. Most of the time you'll be running around aimlessly in the dark with a flashlight, solving some really difficult puzzles (just use a guide), and your character is as proficient with a firearm as a newborn horse on skates. There's barely any jump scares, and the series deals with disturbing themes and uncomfortable, bizarre and f-up' situations rather than blood and gore. The developers have always said to kill the lights and play with your best stereo setup, which is what I always do.
If you could get past that notion, you'll be treated to some of the most unique, intelligent and atmospheric games ever made, so don't get discouraged.
For the record I've never played the newer Crash games.![]()
Where do you find upscalers at? I've heard of them before, I just don't know where to get 'em (if there's a place better than ebay).
So the atmosphere is the best part? I wasn't going into it hoping for a shooter, so I think I'll like it.That sounds pretty interesting! I'm excited to play it. I'll hit up that game store when I'm running errands later today.
I think I've played a teeny tiny bit of a Traveler's Tales Crash, but it was a long time ago.I almost forgot - the N-Sane Trilogy releases next month!
I would say atmosphere, but also the story, beautiful music, that sense of dread and "WTF is going on?"
As for upscalers, you're gonna regret asking about them so here we go:
There are a ton of them out there, but don't be fooled- most of them are either do a poor job making the old consoles look good or just adequate at best. HDTVs just can't display those blurry SD content and expect it to look as good as CRT. That all changed in 2013 with a product called the XRGB Mini Framemeister, which is a high end upscaler designed to eat all your old consoles and spit it out to something that looks as good as what you remember them on CRT, even better if it's 2D sprite based games.
They're expensive (about $300-350), and the manufacturers recently announced that they're discontinuing it since they've ran out of custom chips to make more, so this year is their last year making them, and you'll be on a wait list. Is it worth it? I had my reservations, but now I can't live without one but in the end, it depends on if you value having the best picture out of your old consoles. On eBay, they currently go for $500 and upwards, so here's the manufacturers' site for the best price:
Also, here's a very informative review on the thing: