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Yup. Just finished my first playthrough of the Remastered Edition on Hard after having it for a year and not getting around to it. Now, I've started my second on Grounded, which is very interesting, so far.:lol
Yup. Just finished my first playthrough of the Remastered Edition on Hard after having it for a year and not getting around to it. Now, I've started my second on Grounded, which is very interesting, so far.:lol

It took me 2 months to beat the game on Grounded+, simply because I found the mode super tough, but not impossible. It's like there's always a way out of any jam but you'll probably die before putting that plan to action. I would say that TLOU is a game that's more fun to play on harder difficulties.
It took me 2 months to beat the game on Grounded+, simply because I found the mode super tough, but not impossible. It's like there's always a way out of any jam but you'll probably die before putting that plan to action. I would say that TLOU is a game that's more fun to play on harder difficulties.

Yeah, I started it at about 1ish in the morning. Maybe a little later (or earlier. I don't remember).:lol So far, as of about 3 am this morning, I made it out of the QZ with Tess and Ellie and I quit before I got frustrated with that room full of clickers and runners. I've about got their movements down, but it was a case of it being late and knowing when to quit, and also not wanting to restart the encounter again.:lol I'm trying to prioritize stealth more than anything, and, basically, conserving any and all supplies. I learned the hard way that the shiv doors appear to be kind of ****ing useless in terms of supplies on Grounded, unless that's just the case for this first one.:lol The way I see it, I have two more playthroughs in me after this. Once on Grounded +, and then once on Easy +, where I just collect all my **** and upgrade Joel to the max, have all the optional conversations, etc.
Grounded is crazy hard, but it's not impossible. I love the strain on resources since it really makes you make every shot count.

Yeah, it took everything in my power not to mercy kill that poor bastard, especially as he was pleading for me to come back, but I just couldn't waste the bullets.:lol
Which, it's **** like that that I feel can really define what's so great about Grounded mode. Suddenly, something you'd do without a second thought in an easier game mode becomes a moral dilemma as you struggle with whether or not you should put this guy out of his misery or conserve all of your resources, because, no matter what you do, he's already dead, anyway, but that one bullet could be all that stands between you and the grave.
Silent Hill (PS1)

Haunting from start to finish, with amazing sound design and psychological scares. Still an amazing game after 18 years.


**Note that there's a widespread sound glitch when on playing the game on a PS3 where your firing weapons would ruin the sound of the game. It's unfortunate that this hampers the game by the need to constantly resetting the game.

The Silent Hill marathon continues!

Silent Hill 2 (PS2)

Brilliantly crafted psychological horror that will keep you on edge till the shocking conclusion. An unconventional mix of atmosphere, artistry, subtlety and restraint creates a disturbing subject matter and a realization that what you don't see is much scarier rather than what you do.

While some tedious pacing and ridiculously easy gameplay holds it back from being perfect, this is a quintessential piece for anyone looking for something more in their horror experience rather than cheap spooks.

I was thinking about SH2 yesterday. I think it being relatively easy is perfectly fine. I think the creators made it for the journey and not the gameplay. Now I know I'm the cliche fan by saying this since I haven't played SH3 yet, but in my gaming experience... it's the king of Survival Horror. The amount of subtly in that game is mind-boggling.
I was thinking about SH2 yesterday. I think it being relatively easy is perfectly fine. I think the creators made it for the journey and not the gameplay. Now I know I'm the cliche fan by saying this since I haven't played SH3 yet, but in my gaming experience... it's the king of Survival Horror. The amount of subtly in that game is mind-boggling.

It IS the king of survival horror. :lol

Didn't you said you only beaten SH2 once? Which ending did you got?
It IS the king of survival horror. :lol

Didn't you said you only beaten SH2 once? Which ending did you got?

I've only beaten it once but for whatever reason never played it again. I still own it and plan on doing it again soon on the emulator since my PS2 died.

My ending was "Leave" I'm pretty sure. Which apparently is supposed to be the canon ending, but everyone including Guy Cihi thinks "In Water" is the true ending, and I'm inclined to agree.

That's another thing I love about the game, all the endings are valid. Any one of them could be the real ending. You get the ending that was appropriate for your style of play.
I still need to complete any of the SH games :lol. I've put SH1 on hiatus for a few months, but I'll need to get back to it some time...

SOMA - 10/10

SOMA is essentially a brilliantly written sci-fi experience that disguises itself like a horror game on the surface. But, the sheer amount of intrigue about the world, and about the nature of existence itself, will leave you guessing right near to the very end. It deals a lot with Descartes' "Mind-Body" dualism, and academic questions about the human consciousness. If you love metaphysics, this game's right up your alley.
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Absolutely, and there are some pretty big spoilers, too. I'd really recommend playing this one on Steam :lol. I got it on sale for $9.99 several weeks ago. It's a fairly short game, too, you can probably finish it in a few days.
Horizon Zero Dawn, 10/10 for me. I had an issue with the character in the video at the end that sets things up for another game, but that's because of what he did, not how they had him do it (it wasn't the game I disagreed with, it was the moral choice of the character). So yeah, all good and looking forward to more of that! :)
SOMA - 10/10
I wont disagree. Well, i feel the concept is 10/10. But im not sure video game is the media in which to bring out the potential of the concept. This is a game in which i think the concept surpasses the platform. Theres several immersion breaking aspects that break the game for me given there needs to be a " fail, try again " aspect rather than letting the narrative play out in which maybe a movie could do so.