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I just bought "Fallout 3 game of the year addition" ( l already got almost all the achievments for the regular game) and finished all the DLCs. I really didn't care for any of them to be honest.

Operation Ancrorage. 3/10 really stupid.
The Pit 6/10
Point Lookout 7/10
The Mother Ship 6/10
Broken Steal 7/10
Gears of War 3 9.5/10 Loved it. Thought the ending was great. Little predictable but they could have thrown us a huge curve ball with the
queen at then end and told us her origin

oh and this what it's supposed to feel like when you spend $60 on a video game. Great job EPIC. Bravo.
Played through Uncharted 2 again to prepare for Drakes Deception. Just a really satisfying game all around. 98.5/100.
Assassin's Creed II

I always have some issues with the AC games. The environment are amazing but the repetition of the mission (especially the side assassination missions) becomes a problem and I was kind of detached from the story.
Basically a game I really enjoy in the beginning and then after 15h of gameplay I can't wait to finish it and shelve it.
Resistance 3 7.5/10

Would have been 8.5, but that ending is so not worthy of this series. Especially if there won't be part 4.

Playing Arkham City now. The intro alone gets 9/10 from me.
Killzone 3 - 7.5. It was ok, but was expecting more from one of the PS3's top tier exclusives. I've always liked Resistance more.
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition of PSN. 8/10. All the old-school gameplay with next gen graphics. It's great so many games from my teens (I'm 35) are being updated! Great time to be a gamer!
Batman Arkham City:7/10

This game could have been a 10 for me if it was longer,but the truth is,it is way too short and im even counting the side missions,about 12-14 hours play.When i thought i was under half way through it was allready over.
I finished the main story of Batman, but it seemed like a pretty good length IMO. I expected it to be longer, but honestly I'm happy with what was delivered. Just like a nice skirt....long enough to get everything covered, but short enough to keep me interested.
Killzone 3: 7/10
I expected more... The graphics were a bit meh, many low res textures, really widespread clipping problems and the character models really left A LOT to be desired. The ending was one of the most abrupt ones I have ever seen...

Resistance 2: 9/10
Excellent game. I really enjoyed it quite a bit more than Killzone. Not the greatest or most unpredictable story, but still pretty good. The shooting was top notch and the gameplay was satisfying. Can't wait to get the third...
Dark Souls: 10/10. My game of the decade. I can only foresee Zelda giving it a run for the top spot.

Arkham City: 8/10. Technically, it's amazing. Overall, I prefer Arkham Asylum for the more streamlined experience. The side missions and Riddler stuff is great, but the story itself is very rushed and just went way too quickly.
battlefield 3: 8/10

more or less similar to battlefield 2, feel shorter, better scenery.. annoying lights..
Batman: Arkham City 5/10

Same poor controls, same graphical and audio glitches, and a shorter campaign than the 1st one = one pissed off customer. I'm sick of $60 games being beat in one week (and that's not playing every day). The side missions and Riddler stuff are not interesting enough to make me want to replay or continue. It's really been overhyped and yes, it has great graphics when they aren't stuttering, or aliasing, or tearing. And the music is good as are the sound effects, when both aren't falling out when certain buttons are pressed. Overall, this is a rental and I should have known better.
Batman: Arkham City 5/10

Same poor controls, same graphical and audio glitches, and a shorter campaign than the 1st one = one pissed off customer. I'm sick of $60 games being beat in one week (and that's not playing every day). The side missions and Riddler stuff are not interesting enough to make me want to replay or continue. It's really been overhyped and yes, it has great graphics when they aren't stuttering, or aliasing, or tearing. And the music is good as are the sound effects, when both aren't falling out when certain buttons are pressed. Overall, this is a rental and I should have known better.

Wow. I had none of the graphical or sound errors you claim you had. Poor controls? I thought they were quite fluid and responsive. As for a $60 game being beaten in one week, what game that isn't a MMO or RPG not beaten in one week? It's not the developers fault that you aren't into the side missions or Riddler trophies. I got the game on the first day and I'm still playing it with all the collectibles and challenges to do.

Can't please everyone.