i have never played a game that wasnt beaten within a couple days of getting it...except for assassin's creed or games similar to it
i have never played a game that wasnt beaten within a couple days of getting it...except for assassin's creed or games similar to it
Wow. I had none of the graphical or sound errors you claim you had. Poor controls? I thought they were quite fluid and responsive. As for a $60 game being beaten in one week, what game that isn't a MMO or RPG not beaten in one week? It's not the developers fault that you aren't into the side missions or Riddler trophies. I got the game on the first day and I'm still playing it with all the collectibles and challenges to do.
Can't please everyone.
Batman: Arkham City 5/10
Same poor controls, same graphical and audio glitches, and a shorter campaign than the 1st one = one pissed off customer. I'm sick of $60 games being beat in one week (and that's not playing every day). The side missions and Riddler stuff are not interesting enough to make me want to replay or continue. It's really been overhyped and yes, it has great graphics when they aren't stuttering, or aliasing, or tearing. And the music is good as are the sound effects, when both aren't falling out when certain buttons are pressed. Overall, this is a rental and I should have known better.
Batman AC: 9/10
Uncharted 3. Could of been longer but was pretty solid. 9/10