Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (PS3): 7.5/10
I didn't technically "finish" the game, although I did watch the game's cutscenes in their entirety via YouTube. I played through approximately 50% of the game last year (I lost interest before completion), so I thoroughly understood the aspect of gameplay when considering my score; and that's an objective score, by the way. If I were to impart any bias, I'd have given it a six at most, and the weakened score is primarily because of the game's narrative.
That isn't to say that the story was necessarily "bad," but its sporadic delivery amounted to something weirdly incohesive. Having said that, everything that I dislike about TPP made itself known before I completed the game: its voice acting, derivative story, and intangible lack of soul.
MGS 1-3 are Metal Gear, to me. While MGS4 was ultimately disappointing in its execution, it isn't too far behind.
If you ask me, MGS5 is undeserving of the title of "Metal Gear."
I agree with you with you. I listened to podcasts and lectures the whole time I played, so that's probably why I got more enjoyment than some, but if it wasn't for them, I would have been bored (Although, I did get really bored later on and ended up selling my copy at around 50% completion). During that time I had the most fun that I ever had playing a video game in my entire life, and it was the first time I was addicted. I also didn't hold the MGS stories to a high standard, so that probably also contributed to my enjoyment. I liked the characters, designs, gameplay, and certain ideas (when Kojima wasn't constantly lecturing or preaching to me, which is why I preferred MGS3's story the most), but I felt like the voice acting, dialogue, and directing were on the level of cheesy 90s children cartoons.
However, I do agree that MGS-MGS3 is the core MGS story, and stuff got way out of hand. I was a big Big Boss fan so I really tried to defend certain aspects of with how his character was handled in later stories, but I constantly had to reconcile with certain story aspects, and if I had to do that, there was probably something wrong.

I really tried to defend his regression in Peace Walker, and his choices in MGSV, but now that I'm burnt out on the series, I can be a bit more objective!

I really liked Old Snake in MGS4 for personal reasons, but I now believe he was thrown under the bus and the focus on Big Boss watered down his character. I just didn't like the speeches Solid Snake gave in the previous game, and since Kojima didn't do that with Big Boss in MGS3, I preferred him. However, I think if Kojima productions hired a new writer, I would have preferred Solid Snake because his founding of Philanthropy makes him really strong as a protagonist. Unfortunately, it's way easier to write stories tearing down heroes than building them up because you have to be way more creative to keep them interesting. As a comic book fan, I've experienced that a lot with a lot of writers who don't know what to do with characters since they've been around for so long. It's a tough job! Although, I think the Big Boss' story pretty much wrote itself with all the Foxhound elements from the original MGS for MGSV so I don't know what happened.