Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Grievous, Westworld & Kenobi!!!

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Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Dewback has dropped!!!


This is an awesome shot! :rock Wish I had the space for the SS Dewback but for now the GG Dewbie has to be enough. Is the Sandtrooper sitting ok on the Dewback?
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Tauntaun Taxidermy!!!

Thanks man, I thought it was a pretty funny one :lol

Yeah, the Sandtroopers sit very well on it... you have to fiddle with the legs quite a bit to get a natural look; but I'm quite happy with how they work together.

If you can find the space I know he'd look awesome in your collection... but I know the pain of running out of room and having to pass on certain pieces :monkey2
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Tauntaun Taxidermy!!!

That is awesome Jo, looking good Dr. D. Now I need a little TaunTaun head.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Tauntaun Taxidermy!!!

Do I really need to post "that's what she said" again Deak? :huh
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Clone #6 indahouse!!!

Got in a new clone friend today... was planning to just waiting for a new all white version; but was able to get a good deal on this guy :lecture

I have a replacement bodsuit on the way and I'm planning to weather him up so he'll fit in better with the others:



Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Clone #6 indahouse!!!

Impressive set up J, they look great together :clap
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Clone #6 indahouse!!!

Yeah, they're pretty cool once you get a group of them... I'll be moving the Battle Droids elsewhere once I get the last two clones; so that will be a shelf chock-full of clones :lecture
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Tauntaun Taxidermy!!!

Thanks man, I thought it was a pretty funny one :lol

Yeah, the Sandtroopers sit very well on it... you have to fiddle with the legs quite a bit to get a natural look; but I'm quite happy with how they work together.

If you can find the space I know he'd look awesome in your collection... but I know the pain of running out of room and having to pass on certain pieces :monkey2

Space is a killer unfortunately! One of the reasons I passed twice on the Scout on Speederbike PF. BTW cool clone collection! :clap
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Clone #6 indahouse!!!

I'm hoping we'll all be treated to the Speederbike in 1/6 before too long... that will be another one I'll need to find room for :lol

And thanks, I'm really digging the clones; not a huge fan of the PT... but Sideshow really had done a nice job with them. I did get in the bodysuit today and now the trooper is re-assembled. I'll post up a some pics later tonight of the result. Looks pretty good, although I may revise the weathering a bit.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Upgraded Clone #6!!!

Got the clone done(ish) today... ended up swapping the body and suit from a Rex; the original base body was crazy loose. And then I attempted to weather him a bit. Not 100% happy with him, but I'm gonna see how he feels after a few days.



And for fun... a side by side:

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Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Upgraded Clone #6!!!

Looks MUCH better, imo, J! You did a fine job.

Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Upgraded Clone #6!!!

Thanks guys, the feedback is appreciated.

And yeah... the clones have really multiplie quickly; but I guess that's kind of what they do :lol :huh Should have the Captain (Red Phase I) in a day or two and then is just Gree.