Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Grievous, Westworld & Kenobi!!!

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Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!


And for fun a before and after...


:clap SS did a wonderful job with the headsculpt--MUCH improved likeness with the repaint. Great job!
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!

Nice Kenobi repaint!! Looks great!
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!

Thanks everyone :duff

Got a few more figures in last week... it was a crazy one :lol So I'll be sure to get some more updates soon :duff
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!

Ben looks fantastic GB, and Luke is well...:rock Congrats, and looking forward to seeing what else you scored!
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!

Nothing to earth shattering, but I picked up a 2nd Gammorean, the Tusken Raider and finally scored a HT Gorilla Soldier. Unfortunately right when all of this was arriving my wife decided to clear out the office (which was admittedly getting junked-up with some of my stuff) so my collection room is in shambles.

So with my daughter being in the next room and asleep by 8p I haven't even had time to reorganize and take pics :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!

Nothing to earth shattering, but I picked up a 2nd Gammorean, the Tusken Raider and finally scored a HT Gorilla Soldier. Unfortunately right when all of this was arriving my wife decided to clear out the office (which was admittedly getting junked-up with some of my stuff) so my collection room is in shambles.

So with my daughter being in the next room and asleep by 8p I haven't even had time to reorganize and take pics :lol

Oh man, can I relate. :lol My daughter also goes to bed at 8 or so, and her room is also fairly close to my collection. My wife shoots me the evil eye every time my detolf doors squeak open or closed and snap shut.

Those are all nice figs you scored! The Gammy and Raider are my favorites of Sideshow's recent SW stuff, and I always enjoy checking out your Ape Explorer stuff. They're very impressive, even though I'm not familiar with the subject matter. :duff
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Custom Kenobi & DX Luke!!!

Yeah, the Apexplorer series is a pretty fun one... but they haven't released anything I'm too excited about in a long while. The weird Ape/robot thing is kind of cool, but I just don't feel the need to own it :huh The Gorilla soldier is really awesome in person; HT did a killer job on it. I'm contemplating whether or not I should just ditch the Sideshow apes, or try to upgrade them closer to the HT figure's quality. I'm pretty happy with how Taylor turned out, but the Apes will require new bodies, repaints, some weathering and then hairing... which will all be a major ***** :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

Finally got Luke's weathervane hung... I decided to use larger screws to get a more secure connection to the ceiling (hopefully he'll stay up their for the long haul).

Also got in a few more figures last week that I didn't have a chance to take any pictures of. But I added Gartogg, the Tusken Raider and HT Gorilla Soldier to my collection. I also did a repaint and body swap on my Darth Maul figure.







Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

Great Update; GB and Luke hanging off the inverted antenna is Badass!
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

Damn GB, Maul and that Ape Explorer look bananas! I really like how you have your 1/6 Shaw set up next to the 1:1 Vader helm. :rock
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

Great Update; GB and Luke hanging off the inverted antenna is Badass!

Thanks, I wasn't too enthused about the weathervane. But once I saw it in person I knew it was going to get used. HT really went all out on this one :rock

Damn GB, Maul and that Ape Explorer look bananas! I really like how you have your 1/6 Shaw set up next to the 1:1 Vader helm. :rock

Thanks man :duff Funny thing about the Shaw figure... I just put him up there so he'd be out of the way when I was reorganizing. Then I saw him up there, liked what I saw and decided to let him stay :lol

I may eventually move him to a different shelf, but he's one that doesn't easily fit in with other groupings of figures. I'd love to just have him, Ben and Yoda on a shelf, but Yoda is already in a dedicated space and I'm not crazy enough to own two of him :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

I may eventually move him to a different shelf, but he's one that doesn't easily fit in with other groupings of figures. I'd love to just have him, Ben and Yoda on a shelf, but Yoda is already in a dedicated space and I'm not crazy enough to own two of him :lol

Oh the woes of collection organization, I'm experiencing some of that in a pretty big way right now. :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

Luke on the antenna is a cool piece:)
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Gartogg, Tusken, POTA & Custom Maul!!!

Oh the woes of collection organization, I'm experiencing some of that in a pretty big way right now. :lol

Agreed, it's like Sophie's choice around here :lol


SW collection is looking spectacular!!!!! Kongrats on the new pieces, J :rock :rock

I dig it :cool:

Looks like he's ready to bring the pain :panic:

Thanks man, I'm really pleased with my SW collection these day :rock

Beautiful setup, as always :clap

Stay classy :duff