Super Freak
Anybody know a hunting spot close to the camp when starting chapter 2?
I noticed on my way to settle the camp that the river seemed to have a ton of deer and it wasn’t too far from camp.
Anybody know a hunting spot close to the camp when starting chapter 2?
I noticed on my way to settle the camp that the river seemed to have a ton of deer and it wasn’t too far from camp.
I have'nt died yet but i did come quite close in Valentine when i bumped into a guy on a horse, i could'nt press the defuse button on time and the guy started shooting at me so i shot back and killed him and wound up with a bounty and half the town shooting at me. I hauled ass out of there. Great game so far and i am liking playing as Arthur a bit more than Marston but RDR is still one of my top games.
Well, I just had my first death by Cougar suddenly leaping on me out of nowhere.
Yep, it's Red Dead Redemption all right...![]()
Was wandering through the wilderness and came across a woman trapped under her fallen horse that was calling out for help.
Didn't realise I had my gun out ...and pressed the wrong button ....and shot her right in the face.
I don't think I've ever felt so bad about killing an NPC
...Was wandering through the wilderness and came across a woman trapped under her fallen horse that was calling out for help.
Didn't realise I had my gun out ...and pressed the wrong button ....and shot her right in the face.
I don't think I've ever felt so bad about killing an NPC
Something similar happened to me, stole a horse to chase down the guy who was gonna rat me out, wandered back into town to return the horse, accidentally rode my horse into a dude, he got pissed off, yanked me off my horse, and started a fight, my hat fell off, I knocked him out, then I got a Wanted level.
Ran off to go hide in a barn, until things cooled off. Then wandered back into town, right into a sherrif, and he pulled his gun on me, surrendered just to get things over with.
Got out of jail in the morning, walked back to go pick up my hat. Then walked over to some other dudes, checked out the context menu, there was an option for Rub ... what's Rub, I thought?
Turns out, it said Rob, not Rub, so I pulled my gun on the dude, and was like "Oh, ****" and tried to defuse the situation, ended up getting into another fight, knocked the guy out. And I figured, what the hell, then looted his body, and that got me another Wanted level.
Played that mission too but i did manage to return the horse to its owner.
How'd you find the owner? Was he marked on the map or something? I heard a guy call out to me "Hey, that's my horse!" but that was about the same time I accidentally ran into some other guy.
Does anybody know of a way to make the in-game text larger? My couch is about 5 feet back from the TV, and even with my glasses on, I can't read the text, nor make out the markers on the HUD, so I always end up getting up close to the TV to see what's going on.
Played that mission too but i did manage to return the horse to its owner. Must have put in about 7 hours into the game today and half of the time i just spend riding around and bringing food back to camp.
i’m in chapter 2. All i have to say is getting drunk is fun.
So, you see rub and decide, yeah, I'll rub this guy lol.