started playing last night....any tips for the new guy?
These are just some basic tips, some from my own personal experience.
You’re not a living legend, like in the first Red Dead Redemption. Keep that in mind for most of the game.
Even with an extended deadeye—which is leveled up from collecting the unique cigarette cards, completing chores at camp, getting head shots from certain distances, getting hipfire kills, cooking meals, skinning animals and crafting items—you’re still able to be outgunned pretty easily.
People can jack you up in fist fights as well. So, learn to brawl. You can evade by holding the guard button and sidestepping. You can grapple and choke too. Make sure to grab your hat any time it falls nearby. If you can’t find it, and your outfit is saved to your horse, go to your horse and access the menu to recover the hat. Style is everything! Stalker hat + Wolverine beard = awesome.
Still learning to duel. I’ve lost both of the only two duels I’ve had so far.
Cougars and bears basically insta-kill you, so always have the double-barreled long shotgun on you, for such encounters. I’m not sure hunting them the normal way is possible? I’ve tried. The cougar is too keen and the bear... yeah, he took an arrow like it was a bug bite.
Speaking of hunting, it seems like your camp needs you to hunt at least every other mission or two. So, keep that in mind when on your travels.
When you get to the part of the game where you can start robbing side businesses—aka illegal operations—that are holed up in legitimate storefronts, you’ll need to investigate a little to unlock the option to rob the side business, instead of simply robbing the clerk. And make sure to take a different horse, than you are normally seen riding, into town. Also, always have your normal clothes and a “robbery” outfit on your horse at all times. You’ll want to head into town in your robber outfit (you may need to change this one up from time to time?) and then mask up when you have a window of opportunity to rob the business. If they start a ruckus, you have to loot the important stuff quick and get the hell out of Dodge.
The last thing to warn you about is ambushes. Holy god, the ambushes. There’s one that killed me three times in a row, even with deadeye killing at least three men right off the bat. Always... always, have your weapons cocked and ready, when out riding. If you’re in the open, get a repeater holstered. If you’re galloping through trees or tighter spaces, use a shotgun. I still have yet to unlock a pump shotgun, but I imagine that will make some of the ambushes a little easier. Also, the starting repeater sucks.
Ambushes, both animal and humankind alike, have forced me to start manually saving as often as I can.