Re: NOW SHIPPING! [iminime] Wall Street Killer - Patrick Bateman
[EDIT] (my comment was for mightyq's idea but Ray's post came in the middle by the time I posted.)
You really think your idea with actually stick with someone like Rainman?

I can guarantee you no one would even broach an Idea like this to Rainman no matter how close they are to him.
Rainman would NEVER implement an idea like this. A traditional phenomenon concerning limited collectibles for ages was about the crazy after market price. Today your shock at after market price makes you think the way you think now. But again see its being dictated by buyers remorse. You are thinking there will be some control over after market price by letting runs go on? Then why not keep runs on for every year after 13/14 more people sign up?
Then the whole model of the collectible custom industry has to be changed. The fact that these items cost the amount they has a lot to do with their limited tag let alone the materials and effort.
Again another issue is I see these suggestions crop up ONLY because its Denny we are talking about, stuff like this will never come up on a Rainman thread.
All the preorders were open since months. The DX took some time to sell out completely, and the boost was that some were made for retail under OSB and ToyHQ - so there was a sizable no of DX sets. Maybe Rainman makes lesser no of sets so I can understand the whole rush for Rainman, but this one I cannot see how you missed out unless you had no idea about the release.
Bottomline is buyer's remorse shouldnt dictate what happens - nor an attempt to control secondary market prices, those guys who didnt not get the DX was not because they couldnt preorder it. They didnt order because you didnt think it was worth it or believe in it.
Think of those who got the DX as a reward to them for their faith.
And since it was brought up: Rainman selling painted heads is a different issue, and a wrong example, you dont see him sell DX exclusive items later do you?
With ideas like these we should just get rid of the whole certificate business and not worry about preorders at all. Just place an order and have a figure made for you like a KFC meal. Tell me how many of you Rainman buyers would like the fact if all his figures never came with any certificate and you could just put whatever you wanted in an a la carte type order? What would be the point of the so called 'Rainman paint' on full sets and other paint on H&C sets?
Again I stress on the fact that there are some lines we shouldnt cross in our mad want to get something that would open a whole new issue about the way these figures have been made and marketed for years.
Even Hot Toys doesnt come up with these ideas! Imagine people paying extra to get their original release joker upgraded to a DX. But a v2 and later v3 of this I wouldnt mind...
Again my point is not to keep figures away from people. But if boundaries and limites were placed orginally we should respect them. I would be in favour of these ideas if this was an open run of figures made to order. Similarly what happened with Demon. Sets were increased (although a lot of people didnt pay up in the end inspite of 3 exclusive days for them to order) because people wanted to - but in the making of process. Once you have laid down the rules and methods, I believe it is a fair game and people should respect and stick to it.
Future releases can do away with the limit bit and have a more open run if you guys want to petition to Denny.
Axe, you misunderstood what I was saying. My car reference was to point out what is considered limited. In the 1/24 car world vs. the 1/6 figure world. I was only using this as as a comparison and was in no way suggesting that it should or shouldn't be allowable to change your mind, upgrade after the fact, etc.
Actually maybe I didnt get the crux of your comment because I was focusing on seeing what parallels could be drawn between the specific example you stated and the situation in question. Thank you for your clarification

I will take greater care next time to see your point and my apologies.