Red Sonja PF!!

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Hands down the best female sculpt I own but so much has been taken away from this piece by the spray tan like skin color and lifeless eyes. Getting mine repainted, it's too good of a sculpt to stay this way. In pics, due to lighting she does look better ..


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Dude you removed the flaps in the front and the one in the back that covers her ass. How'd you get it back on. Was it hard to remove?

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

Sorry for the late, I used a heat gun to carefully remove them and i put magnet on them so i can still display them, i will post some photos
(sorry for my english :p, hope you understand)
Hands down the best female sculpt I own but so much has been taken away from this piece by the spray tan like skin color and lifeless eyes. Getting mine repainted, it's too good of a sculpt to stay this way. In pics, due to lighting she does look better ..
First FB and now you're here too? Lol welcome to the Freaks Boards

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Sorry for the late, I used a heat gun to carefully remove them and i put magnet on them so i can still display them, i will post some photos
(sorry for my english :p, hope you understand)
I understood perfectly man. Thanks and yes post pics please I Might consider doing the same

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
mine excl got shippedlast friday, hope l got one with no issues

this is defn the best female sculpt i own so far....
So I received my Fed-Ex invoice today...
£58.85 V.A.T & £17.61 Duty. Never been charged Duty before and Fed-Ex Reps don't seem to know how their charging system works :huh

Any other Brits/Europeans get charged duty?
So I received my Fed-Ex invoice today...
£58.85 V.A.T & £17.61 Duty. Never been charged Duty before and Fed-Ex Reps don't seem to know how their charging system works :huh

Any other Brits/Europeans get charged duty?

Sorry to hear that mate...that's a lot of FedEx bills you've had to pay of late :( Hope you get it all sorted :hi5:
Thanks Andy. I've never had Duty added before so that's why it come in more than expected.
Have you been charged Duty in the past? Handy to know how their system works when calculating the difference between direct and local to make final decisions.
Thanks Andy. I've never had Duty added before so that's why it come in more than expected.
Have you been charged Duty in the past? Handy to know how their system works when calculating the difference between direct and local to make final decisions.

Its a strange one...never been charged duty before I must say so its worth calling them up to double check that it all adds up and isn't just a typo on their part. Saying that, I have been sent many an invoice by FedEx which has proved to be totally wrong in terms of the tax charge so its also worth making sure each time that they have invoiced you correctly by working it out before you've received the invoice. That's what I usually do so I'm well prepared in advance in regards to what i'll be charged so that its not such a surprise when the time comes to open that dreaded envelope :(
So I received my Fed-Ex invoice today...
£58.85 V.A.T & £17.61 Duty. Never been charged Duty before and Fed-Ex Reps don't seem to know how their charging system works :huh

Any other Brits/Europeans get charged duty?

I paid 102 euros to Fedex, no more ex for me after superman and wonderwoman
So I received my Fed-Ex invoice today...
£58.85 V.A.T & £17.61 Duty. Never been charged Duty before and Fed-Ex Reps don't seem to know how their charging system works :huh

Any other Brits/Europeans get charged duty?

Usually, there's ALWAYS a customs/duty fee, here in Europe. Not sure how UK deals with it, but I had 81€ on Red Sonja.
Too dark for me to take pics but goddamn

to the people that complained about the paint job... you all deserve to be punched repeatedly in the nuts for being such brats. This is outstanding work.