Red Sonja PF!!

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Ya I think that email was to sucker people off the waitlist and into a reg purchase. I just left my res alone and figured oh well then a week later bam. did they cancel yours or did you? cuz that really sux
And some sensitive types are showing.. yes there is a difference in a blatant issue (chip, real out of place paint gash etc..) and general consensus. I was referring to the later.There hasn't been a single pic or video i have seen of her where she didn't look awesome. The idea that her tone is too dark or some crap is bullocks. Nut punching should commence immediately. I am so tired of brats screaming about in their ignorance. To the dork who called this Rogue version 2, congrats... your nut punching comes first. Right up there with the dude who complained he had a single leaf a slight shade of brighter green on his poison ivy... aaarrrgghhh
Yes! Great post. Dude I was Waaaaiting til you got yours lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
The 8/27 WL was cancelled. I had to re-waitlist again. I didn't cancel and I didn't even do the deal. Now I had to do this....
Wtf that's .major arms man. You would've converted if SS didn't **** up your WL in the beginning. You can still get her for under 500 if you check on FB. I saw a few sellers selling for around 5-600

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I'm just gonna keep trying my luck with eBay...****.

I know you will love this ex.shes worth the extra. In person the ex will blow away the tiny axe.
Yes CallMeTheDoctor you will love the EC on this when you get it because it is a better Ex than the Axe and it has a good ES. But I wish it was lower than 500 because most ppl don't know about her

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Fed-Ex confirmed my bill was correctly calculated.
So my $380 (£235) statue became $554 (£344) after purchase, shipping, bank fees, V.A.T & duty :slap :monkey4

I've seen American collectors complain about their shipping rising by $5 :lol
Nope. Your avatar says it all :hi5:

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Haha I suppose it does make sense, even though it's a Doctor Who reference :slap:lol

Fed-Ex confirmed my bill was correctly calculated.
So my $380 (£235) statue became $554 (£344) after purchase, shipping, bank fees, V.A.T & duty :slap :monkey4

I've seen American collectors complain about their shipping rising by $5 :lol

I won't lie we are definitely some cheap ****s :lol
Haha I suppose it does make sense, even though it's a Doctor Who reference :slap:lol

I won't lie we are definitely some cheap ****s :lol
Lol i know but your avi is Halloweeny. I actually just got into Dr. Who (the new series) cause I wanted to see what it was about. Not bad so far

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Fed-Ex confirmed my bill was correctly calculated.
So my $380 (£235) statue became $554 (£344) after purchase, shipping, bank fees, V.A.T & duty :slap :monkey4

I've seen American collectors complain about their shipping rising by $5 :lol

Man that sucks.

It's interesting how the UK differs from Australia. Why does FedEx calcualte the fees for you? When I get stuff from SS and sent to Oz. They simply bill me for the FedEx shipping and that's it. Any fees for imports, etc, are the responsibility of Customs at this end. I get stuff through without needing to pay duty, etc.