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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. opposed to all the violence, injustice and oppresion atheistic governments wreak on the world.
Please, don't even try and lay all the worlds woes at religions door step. Yours is just another opinion.
Dont make yourself out to be more "enlightened" than the people you disagree with or you become the problem
youre railing against. Your smug and sanctimonious attitude is as bad as some religious zealots Ive seen.

I don't believe..
I don't believe..
That I could be so stupid and so naive
I don't believe..
I don't believe..
That there is nothing, nothing left for me
I will not be going to see the movie. I heard that most of his facts are false and that he is out to make anyone who believes seems stupid.
If I seem stupid --thats my choice darn it!!!!!!
I will not be going to see the movie. I heard that most of his facts are false and that he is out to make anyone who believes seems stupid.
If I seem stupid --thats my choice darn it!!!!!!

How can a fact be false?
I will not be going to see the movie. I heard that most of his facts are false and that he is out to make anyone who believes seems stupid.
If I seem stupid --thats my choice darn it!!!!!!

You're stupid if you belive, AND you hurt people in the process. Like for instance, killing gays, protesting, hate filled bile, and dont respect anyone's religion, or lack of.

If you're not any of these, then you're golden brotha!
So now that this film is on DVD, does anyone know how good the extras are?

Can't speak as to the extras, but the movie itself was marvelously done. Very well-researched with the typical Bill Maher humor spread throughout.

Just remember, there are no facts in the world (well, depending on your point of view)

It's kind of interesting to be in philosophy at a christian college where we're learning about the idea that everything might be a dream.

Nice to see a kindred spirit. I went to a Jesuit undergraduate institute, Philosophy major and Biology minor. We philosophy people always end up graduating with a jaundiced view of the world but end up seeing everything more clearly because of it. You'd think it would be depressing but I've found we're one of the more ebullient groups of people... funny how that works out, no?
Just remember, there are no facts in the world (well, depending on your point of view)

It's kind of interesting to be in philosophy at a christian college where we're learning about the idea that everything might be a dream.

I've always thought of reality as some kind of dream,even as a kid.Now I'm wishing I'll wake up from this dream.Hopefully the next one will be a better experience:rolleyes:
Well, from what I've seen of him on Larry King Live, etc., he seems to like some people. I'm guessing these are different from the people that you like.

He hates people who are religious for no other fact than they're religious. Therefore he is a hateful bigot. Sure, he may like SOME people, but only those that fit his mold.

He hates out of fear of what he can't comprehend or is to proud to allow himself to comprehend. He's a bigot no different than a racist, sexist, homophobe or whatever.

Anyone that pro-actively hates on people are horrible human beings. Its one thing to have a personal fear of say, black people, gays, or Christians...but its a whole other level to join the klan, assault gays, or actually write books and movies about how you hate religion.
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I will not be watching this. I used to like not so much. I personally have better things to do with my time. :D
He hates out of fear of what he can't comprehend or is to proud to allow himself to comprehend. He's a bigot no different than a racist, sexist, homophobe or whatever.
Well, I haven't seen the movie (probably won't), but from what I understand, he tries to make the argument that religion is responsible for many bad things (which it is), and if he dislikes people for making bad things happen, I don't see how this is any different from anyone else that dislikes people who do things they see as bad (not that I agree with gross generalizations of that type).

Many religious people are great of course, and do great things. Again, I've seen Maher on Larry King a few times, and he has been quick to acknowledge this. However, on the whole, religion has brought, and brings, a lot of pain. I live in a town that is Jimmy Swaggert's base of operations. One of the more popular TV evangelists around here is a guy who tells his followers to send him as much money as they can, and it will be a "seed" that "grows into a money tree." These people are con men, preying on the weak and poor. If that is Maher's argument, then I agree with it frankly.

It isn't cool to generalize or stereotype an entire "type" of people, but religion certainly has its dark side.
I don't really see Maher hating anyone. From what i can tell he just thinks they're more stupid than anything, and he kinda gets fed up with it. Hate? i dunno, i watched the movie and didn't see hate,(unless it was on the fanatics that kill in the name of religion which every should hate) but a general eye rolling of people that believe in a old guy in the sky yes.

I agree with a lot of his points, and some not so much. I thought the movie made it's point well, whether one chooses to go along with it is another story.
It isn't cool to generalize or stereotype an entire "type" of people, but religion certainly has its dark side.

If he wanted to make a movie about something or someone specific, he has my blessing. But the label that religion makes people do bad things is as ridiculous as video games makes people do bad things.

People do bad things to do bad things, they just find whatever is convenient to justify or blame it on.

If the world was without religion, I believe people would still war over secular issues. Saddam was a secularlist, for goodness sakes. The Spanish Inquisitions and Crusades would have been about something else. 9/11 would have been about something else.

Its human nature to war and fight. The argument that its God's fault is self gratifying to those who are already angry at God. I remember Maher as he was building a name for himself and he was always a bitter and spiteful comedian taking shots at things he didn't have a clue about. He should get over himself.