Super Freak
I could be wrong but, for what I understand the control scheme on the demo is not the final one, I read that the game will be run and shoot on the final game. I was also talking to a friend that works at Gamestop and he said the same thing. You can read it here (though it is an old article):
Actually, the change in controls have already been implemented for RE5 - Control type C and D. Those two types allow you to move/strafe with the left stick and control the camera with the right stick.
The Kotaku article you post alludes to these changes in that Type C and D are definitely different compared to the RE4 controls journalist had to play with when they tried RE5 last year (now known as control types A and B).
From the article:
Takeuchi confirmed that RE5's new controls will be on the TGS showroom floor. While he didn't go into any great detail about the changes, he did refer to them as "Gears-like" controls.
See how Jun Takeuchi (RE5's producer) never explicitly says that you'll be able to move and shoot like in Gears of War? I'm pretty sure he meant that movement and aiming with be handled via the two individual analogue sticks, like in Gears of War.
But I'd love to be wrong. Please let me be wrong. I really want to move while shooting, like in Dead Space.