Resident Evil 5

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I could be wrong but, for what I understand the control scheme on the demo is not the final one, I read that the game will be run and shoot on the final game. I was also talking to a friend that works at Gamestop and he said the same thing. You can read it here (though it is an old article):

Actually, the change in controls have already been implemented for RE5 - Control type C and D. Those two types allow you to move/strafe with the left stick and control the camera with the right stick.

The Kotaku article you post alludes to these changes in that Type C and D are definitely different compared to the RE4 controls journalist had to play with when they tried RE5 last year (now known as control types A and B).

From the article:

Takeuchi confirmed that RE5's new controls will be on the TGS showroom floor. While he didn't go into any great detail about the changes, he did refer to them as "Gears-like" controls.

See how Jun Takeuchi (RE5's producer) never explicitly says that you'll be able to move and shoot like in Gears of War? I'm pretty sure he meant that movement and aiming with be handled via the two individual analogue sticks, like in Gears of War.

But I'd love to be wrong. Please let me be wrong. I really want to move while shooting, like in Dead Space.
You won't be able to move and shoot.

Don't mean to sound like a b*****d, but why can't people realise this?
Yeah, I agree. Especially as you see them do it in the cut scenes!? But it's not gonna happen
I just want the ^^^^ing camera further back and up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so ^^^^ing close and down low that I constantly have to put pressure on the left stick just to look straight ahead instead of looking up. And that really screws up aiming.

I like RE controls and can work them well, but just move the camera further back and up a bit so it's a true 3rd person shooter, not a half-assed 3rd-person shooter.
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new trailer

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RE5 :rock :rock :rock
If any of you guys have a Game Crazy store in your area, here's a heads up as to their RE5 pre-order bonus:


Hint: It's a snow globe.
Finally got a chance to play the demo with a friend. I really like it, my only gripes are the controls can be confusing, but I imagine with enough playtime it'll get easier. The other thing is I don't like the fact that you can't move and shoot at the same time, kind of dumb IMO. Other than that, I'm looking forward to playing the full game.
Gametrailers Resident Evil Retrospective Part 3

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Because the pure idea of not being able to move and shoot is ^^^^ing retarded.

They better fix the broken controls.
Have you ever even played a R.E. game before? The controls have always been that way. This is not meant to be a run-and-gun game. The fact that you can't move while shooting adds to the tension of the game, you'd know that if you'd played earlier R.E. games.

Would I like it if you could move while firing? Sure. But, I'm not gonna ^^^^^ about the fact that you can't. If it bothers you that much, don't play the game, it's that simple.
If they fix the camera angle then I will buy it. I like the oldschool controls, it's always played like this and that's ok with me. But they SERIOUSLY need to move the camera back and up. Do that and I'm all over it!!
If they fix the camera angle then I will buy it. I like the oldschool controls, it's always played like this and that's ok with me. But they SERIOUSLY need to move the camera back and up. Do that and I'm all over it!!
I'm more than sure that the final game will have an option to adjust the camera the way you want it. You quit yer belly achin' too Zack!! :D

You gonna cook for us at SDCC? :)
Hey, if I didn't ^^^^^ about stuff, I'd be so frakin' bored.

Haha, yeah if you guys want!! You just gotta have the supplies on hand. Like 30-Packs of Keystone Light , cheap hamburger meat, hotdogs and buns! :lol
New Resident Evil 5 trailer:

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

There's more story details in this one.
Have you ever even played a R.E. game before? The controls have always been that way. This is not meant to be a run-and-gun game. The fact that you can't move while shooting adds to the tension of the game, you'd know that if you'd played earlier R.E. games.

Would I like it if you could move while firing? Sure. But, I'm not gonna ^^^^^ about the fact that you can't. If it bothers you that much, don't play the game, it's that simple.

amen brother all these ^^^^^***g nooblets coming in, complaining about the controls and camera, as you said, re has always had weird controls so STFU and don't play if you don't like it.