Are you playing on normal or easy? To be honest, I think easy was a bit too easy for me. I'm going to try normal next go round with the other characters. The train didn't give me too much trouble on Leon's campaign. The final boss on Chris' campaign gave me a lot of trouble though, during the chase part. The chase parts of the levels are frustrating because of how the camera pans on the reliance on the X button. Hopefully RE7 will see the controls tweaked to perfection. I'd really like to see one more RE title on PS3.
Also, soft sculpts or not, lol, I'd be really bummed if Hot Toys doesn't pick up RE6 and do Leon and Jake at least. I'd love to see all seven of the major characters, but those two are the ones I'm most interested in.
Hoping there isn't re7 it needs to be rebooted
Am I the only one who absolutly hated the climbing scene at the end of Leon campign? How stupid was that like seriously it was longer than it needed to be and was just so annoying.
Are you playing on normal or easy? To be honest, I think easy was a bit too easy for me. I'm going to try normal next go round with the other characters. The train didn't give me too much trouble on Leon's campaign. The final boss on Chris' campaign gave me a lot of trouble though, during the chase part. The chase parts of the levels are frustrating because of how the camera pans on the reliance on the X button. Hopefully RE7 will see the controls tweaked to perfection. I'd really like to see one more RE title on PS3.
Also, soft sculpts or not, lol, I'd be really bummed if Hot Toys doesn't pick up RE6 and do Leon and Jake at least. I'd love to see all seven of the major characters, but those two are the ones I'm most interested in.
I'm too in love with the characters. I want to know more about Jake. I'd take a reboot if it got back to the roots the series and retained the core characters. Like many have said, why can't RE be more like it was, Dead Space is successful after all.
I think Piers is awesome as well.
Hoping there isn't re7 it needs to be rebooted
Jake is great and all but it needs to go ack to being horror the button sequence **** needs to stop I'm tired of it.
I don't think the characters and overall cannon story need to be rebooted but the gameplay and story need to return to their survival horror roots. I do agree though the button sequence stuff really needs to go away or at the very least toned down alot.
Where's he's coming towards you and flips the train. Game over. Am I suppose to run or actually shoot him?
Where's he's coming towards you and flips the train. Game over. Am I suppose to run or actually shoot him?
Hoping there isn't re7 it needs to be rebooted
I tried both and died. Lol
Yes how come we aren't seeing any figures for this game yet? The characters looked there best in the game especially Leon. Leon and sherry is a must. Wtf!!!!