I did just finish a replay through of Re5 last night and all though i assume you have not in a while, i didnt skip the cut scenes, i read the papers and files. And Sheva is reallly fleshed out. We get her up bringing, her motives for joining in the BSAA and thoes motives are what drive her to be as passionate as she is. Then theres the run-ins she has with other BSAA Africa branch that are like "hey sheva". Her knowledge of the area. If the game was 1 player, and that player was Sheva i think peoples views would be different.
But you need to bring up new talent along side the veterans! Cross over points in time and events are what help elevate new guys to the top and keep things fresh. If Re 5 was Chris with Jill, Wesker as a bad guy then it would be so stale. We've already had exactly that in the first game and 4 games later we are still the same 2 guys with the same bad guy? Get some new ideas capcom!
Seriously I don't think many people played the game as much as me, 400 hours, yeah... I understand why you like her. I don't think she is intresting at all, she is genereic and predictable imho, it wasn't a good idea to make her so important, she is nothing like Jill, but I like the first version of Sheva
"Her knowledge of the area"
She didn't help much, and lets face it, being alone in a unknown place is far better for a Resident Evil game.
"4 games later we are still the same 2 guys with the same bad guy?"
I don't think so, I was surprised Wesker just showed up in RE5, and the fact that he was killed in that game... Wesker was featured in RE1, RE Veronica and then RE5 if we talk about the REAL games, games that were important to the franchise. The rest are more like cameos... so he didn't have much Screen time imho.
You have to check out the old concept art of RE5, it was clearly gonna be a far better game than RE4
Not that great... They remind me of a twilight movie. RE6 is like a damn twilight movie.
You actually liked Helena, Piers, and Jake? I kinda liked Jake. Helena was annoying with her lesbian relationship with her sister. Piers was just expandable. Might as well make the Chris campaign solo.
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I heard very weird comments about the character but never something like that

well at least you didn't compare Helena to Jill
"Helena is a Jill/Claire wanna be"
WTF... so capcom can't put another brunette in the RE world?.. because thats were her similarities with Jill and Claire end .. sometimes it feels like the RE fanbase its just a bunch of 12 year olds