Really? Wow thats sad but looks like they took that and carried it to RE6 tho. What I really want to see is a RE game in a known city like new york or in a forrest and your on the run from zombies or crazy type people, not Ganado type crazy but bioshock type crazy but they still eat human flesh. I want a RE game like that. No castles no milatary just a lone protagonist fighting agaist a horde of monsters and zombies that you cant take out with a few weapons. You must also use smarts and hide for the time being. i also want an alexia type story again, sadly the introduction of jake seems like he can withstand anything so Throw Claire or Jill in the new game and make this game absolutly horrifying. I dont care about tank or over the shoulder controls, trust me if you make a game scary enough people will buy it.
Yea but people got so bent out of shape over shooting African Americans in re when in reality no black person even cared it was the media who twisted it around to make it look like people were angry. Then we just got a rehash version of re4.
"Classic racist images" was a line of text that made my stomach hurt. Who buys this bull ****?
"Classic racist images" was a line of text that made my stomach hurt. Who buys this bull ****?
not to mention british critics who do not feel comfortable at all that ac3 revolves around british troops getting murdered and losing the war against the colonies lol... i can sense some American british tensions in month ahead lol
Im British and i dont care nor do i know anybody else who is British and cares. I do know a ton of Americans who say the British care though which leads to an Anti-British vibe because they start to name call and down talk us over nothing.
I wish more people and companies would just do things regardless of what people say.