I guessed pretty much from the beginning that the old lady would be the final boss...Just seemed obvious. Still it was neat. Again the final boss was basically Uroboros meets spooge face Carla...Another face wall monster? meh. The last boss is basically just a sequence, but still cool to watch. Love the cameo at the end even if it's a different voice actor...I got ending two because I chose Zoe...she was better looking

now to go look on youtube for the other ending

I think my biggest fan boy moment was the mention of HCF in that file. I never thought I'd see that name again. There's one aspect they used at the end of the game that I kind of annoyed they didn't do more...that being the hallucinations of Mia attacking you. This should've been a much larger aspect throughout the game. Not knowing if an enemy was real or not and wasting bullets on a hallucination could have been really cool. Would have changed up the whole fear dynamic. I know that's not very Resident Evil...but meh...