Except they have great costumes and settings, great eye candy, great action and great soundtracks. And at the moment the merch coming out from RE:Afterlife is very cool with the figures, props and statues. The movies do not need to be master pieces of well written nature because they are action flicks. Not movies that you need to think about while you watch. They are clearly not that kind of movie from the get go. If you want to watch them with the negative frame of mind before the credits even start then you will never be happy.
It feels like most people who dont like the movies are already Resident Evil fans but just bitter ones who whinge about what they imagine the movies should be like. And its usually a direct rip of the games which wouldnt work as the entire feel of the games is that YOU are in the game. The movies would need to be 4 hours long with lots of pointless running around and back tracking. No dialogue for long periods of time and repetitive action to make some people happy. Then nobody but them would watch the movies and it would bomb so fast.
The most boring RE Movie by far was Degeneration and that was the one tied directly into the video games. And im a much bigger fan of the games than movies.
Im discarding all knowledge of the games, and talking about it as a film. Theres no suspense, theres no horror, theres terrible CGI, soundtracks are terrible, the action is stupid, never in my life have I seen a full action sequence from start to end in the most painstainkingly stupid fight in full slow motion (exectuioner). I mean, when the Executioner hit the toilets wall, the walla absorbed it and moved backwards, it was even on the great movie flaws programme on BBC 3 it was that bad.
And when you watch actual, brilliant horror films with the zombie-esque tone, just look at 28 days/weeks later, dawn of the dead both original and remake, REC.... They dont use gimicky bullet time, pathetic amounts of poorly done CGI or this eye candy you say, because its hardly eye candy, its just the stupid modern warfare generation who love lots of bullets flying and no substance. But hey, if thats what floats peoples boats in films then I hope they enjoy them.
And merchandise doesnt make a film. So what if a figure is made which is accurate to a character? Doesnt mean that the actor who is the character cant act, or the film theyre from is just terrible. Degeneration was boring as hell. it was nice having the proper voice actors back, but in general, is was a boring film.
Nobody, well myself, I havn't asked for a carbon copy of the games. I mean, Apocalypse couldv'e been awsome. When Carlos, Nicholai and the wounded soldier were fighting through the streets, that was awsome. it wouldve been ace to have a film purely about escaping in that scenario, the characters are in the streets, hunted by nemesis, zombies, lickers, cerberus, streets are blocked so they have to use alleys which are narrow, limited ammunition, the dead round every corner, the struggle to survive.
instead, it was this dull character doing flips in slow-mo on a motorcycle, boxing with Nemesis. you gotta admit, they murder nemesis to hell. It could've been something really powerful to not only have it as mat, but have as near invincible killing machine, the humanity gone and they have to kill it. Not in a boxing fight. it was just too cheesy. Worse than Romero's current films. Id rather watch diary of the dead than RE2/3/4/5.
The first one, they did quite well. Loved the Umbrella team, but they killed too many too soon in the laser room personally.
And Marilyn mansons Seizure of Power, red queen and cleansing were brilliant in their respective scenes.
I liked it because you felt that any of them could die at any moment. The films immediatly went rubbish when they made Alice infected so zombies dont go near her, but she doesnt mutate, then shes a ninja clone. They took the vulnerability from the character. Alice in RE1 was vulnerable, they knew how to handle themselves, but they were succeptable to death, you didnt know who would die next. Now you know everyone will die except alice because she super-invincible and ruins the film.