Really was busy today, so I only put less than an hour into it. I like it a lot, but I hate how "Shot in the silence" is sped up for whatever reason when you need to go investigate the gun shot in the very beginning of the game. I read there's a lot of music bugs in it. The alternate movement scheme is useful, but very floaty as Ryan put it. The on the fly reloading is pretty useful. It's the best port Capcom has done, but there's a lot of things they could of refurbished with textures.
Photo dump of my gameplay. I don't know why the quality of the photos isn't the same as the saved files on my PS4... I do like the fact that when you take a photo or video, the game goes to the pause menu immediately. It will even skip a cutscene to do it.
I will say one thing, the re-textured zombies make a world of difference. There's a lot of details that got lost on them, since hallways looked foggy, but these just pop out now.