sunK1D VENUSlayer • 3 hours ago
Are you saying her default outfit (as well as 2 other alternates) aren't enough? People like you is why gaming is going down hill.
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VENUSlayer sunK1D • 2 hours ago
It's not about being "enough", it's about wanting my fav character to be treated with respect instead of as a piece of ass. And "people like me" are bringing gaming down? And not the perverted freaks who pander for this type of thing? LMAO, that's a good one, pal. Get a grip.
Yeah, they do seem Henry likeEmma Stone gifs just remind me of Henry...
Aww, grandpa Solidus is senile! <3 I've been using Emma Stone gifs for much longer than you, so no, you do not claim her.I lay claim to all current and future Emma Stone gifs now, since the Futanari's no longer around. I'm watching you, FSLAR. Don't touch my woman. I'm very defensive over my gif women.
She´s gorgeus!!!
I've been fantasizing about Wesker for years
That's the charm in Wesker. And honestly, I do get some kicks for playing as an OP character sometimes. It's therapeutic after a long dayHe's going to make the game too easy. But, he's just for fun anyway.