Resident Evil: Retribution

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Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

Sadly the movies really lack when it comes to monsters. All we've seen are zombies, zombie dogs, crows, Nemesis, Lickers, "Tyrant", The Executioner Majini and Wesker. I's crying shame we haven't at least seen some Hunters or giant spiders in any of the movies yet.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

I seriously don't understand why people say that Anderson needs to have Alice turn evil and kill her off when Capcom currently has 30 characters that they have created that are still alive in the game universe. Revelations is probably going to introduce two more with Jessica and Parker.

Jill is the only character that even comes close to having a "Alice" like story arch of getting infected/death/resurrection/super human abilities and even when Capcom made her "evil" she didn't do anything at all while under Wesker's control and when Chris discovers that she is still alive it only takes like 5 minutes before she is saved and back on the good guy team with Chris.
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Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

They probably won't do a Tyrant again. I would love for them to do the rest of those suggestions. Especially Alexia and Birkin. Birkin in all his forms :drool

would love to see birkin on film hopefully one day
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

They should do alexia or lisa trevor (in a sympathetic way). They also should make A DAMN 1/6 NEMESIS. I dont care if its the games or movie.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

I see two scenarios for all of these returning characters...

1. Flashbacks

2. Umbrella is trying to trick Alice with clones of a bunch of people she used to know....or something along those lines.

They couldn't possibly be trying to pull a, "oh these characters all survived somehow..." thing right?....right?...
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

I think clones.

Even though it wouldn't really serve any purpose for Umbrella to be cloning those people, other than to please(or displease) the audience.

Maybe to mess with Alice's head. But Wesker's motivation was pretty weird in the last one...too destroy basically the whole world or enslave them or something, so he can be a super monster bound genetically to his favorite man made virus.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

Enough with the clones. Its probaly a flashback.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

I cannot see it being flash back scenes

With Rain we pretty much saw all that we saw Alice see of Rain. With Carlos pretty much the same. So the flashbacks would just be re filmed scenes we already have and can be used anyway. And why would we need a flashback of thoes two? What is so important they would need to film all new flashback scenes? I can't see it happening at all. We've had flashbacks at the start of the movies and they just ripped the footage from the prior movie.

I cannot even see it being clones. I can see it being like theres some venom spewing BOW that uses illusions / messes with its preys mind with self defense or something. Like thoes annoying 8ft insect like things from the 5TH game. Maybe Alice will get spider-chested and that pumps crack into her blood and shes off her face seeing these folk she knew
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

would love to see birkin on film hopefully one day

Here's my vote for the person who should play him:

Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

^^^^ That guys is creepy... like Alfred creepy. :lol

Anyway, I wonder if we'll see Angela Ashford in the one. Maybe she'll be evil too. :dunno
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

If Birkin ever ends up in the movies then they should get Joseph Fiennes to play the character.

Oh and if Shawn Roberts wasn't able to come back then Fassbender should definitly be asked to play the role of Wesker.

I got a whole cast list picture made up if anyone is interested in seeing it (I figured bumping that fan casting thread probably would have been frowned upon since it is over a year old).

DeviantArt version

Individual pictures version
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

If Birkin ever ends up in the movies then they should get Joseph Fiennes to play the character.

Oh and if Shawn Roberts wasn't able to come back then Fassbender should definitly be asked to play the role of Wesker.

I got a whole cast list picture made up if anyone is interested in seeing it (I figured bumping that fan casting thread probably would have been frowned upon since it is over a year old).

DeviantArt version

Individual pictures version

Michael Fassbender.... :pray::yess: :dance If only... aawww.