Resident Evil: Retribution

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Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

If Birkin ever ends up in the movies then they should get Joseph Fiennes to play the character.

Oh and if Shawn Roberts wasn't able to come back then Fassbender should definitly be asked to play the role of Wesker.

I got a whole cast list picture made up if anyone is interested in seeing it (I figured bumping that fan casting thread probably would have been frowned upon since it is over a year old).

DeviantArt version

Individual pictures version

Yes, yes and yes.....yes please.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

Some details about plot

Alice joins Leon Kennedy- leader of a resistance group that's been trying to eliminate Umbrella since the Apocalypse, only to help find her friends. This is how Alice will discover certain things about Umbrella, such as the enhanced zombies (manjini) from Afterlife, what Wesker has done to Jill (ex. her evilness) and where Claire, Chris and Kmart are being held captive. Ada Wong will play into the story very close to the game version of her character.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

Spoiler Spoiler:

They could of at least put in some Hunters or Chimaras or even the Bandersnatches if only too add some new creatures. Lickers are awesome but damnit put in some new creatures already. Hell I'll even take those screaming spider thingies from RE5.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

michelle rodriguez is coming back? i thought they killed her off in the first movie. :cuckoo:
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

michelle rodriguez is coming back? i thought they killed her off in the first movie. :cuckoo:

I read that today as well. Probably will be some sort of flashback scene or something, I can't see how she could be alive.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

They're including all these people, yet leaving out...




Sorry, but these were far more interesting than zombies to me. These should have been what zombies ultimately became.


Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

Could michelle rodriguez be coming back as a clone ????? Besides flashback sequences, that's the only I can see her coming back. She did work for Umbrella after all.......
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

So I had a thought..
With all of Mila's videos, it seems to me like all the former cast coming back are actually going to be in this movie. (they were at a script reading, and kinda hanging around during stunt training...nothing too official)

Here's where Im coming from...
One thing that has kind of always bothered me is the strange continuity between 2 and 3. The first movie leads into the second, then the third has the same characters but apparently the whole world has dried up and become a desert according to alice's intro...they even show a weird image of it doing so. Then in the fourth(end of third too) it looks like toyko is untouched by this wasteland, and is still a city.

the fourth starts with, what looks to be the initial outbreak in tokyo with the young girl randomly going ape ____ and eating that old man.

What if...The umbrella corporation is just leading alice and the survivors through a series of controlled experiments, since they basically have control of the world.

Alice in the first movie, is just going through an umbrella experiment similar to the ones her clones go through in the third film. And the other cast in that film are also clones. When she succeeds, they basically let her loose in a city they have closed off and fully infected to battle it out with nemesis, another one of their pets. Then even in the third, they are basically leading them through what they've made to seem like the end of the world/roadwarrior/wasteland to try and capture them in alaska to regain their property.

I know, pretty silly and borderline retarded...but it could totally make these movies make sense! I would buy it.
Re: Resident Evil 5 (movie)

I just saw the first two for the first time yesterday. I liked them so much that I made Jenn watch them both with me when she got home. I think those are films I can watch over and over and not be bored with. And trust me, lately, that has not happened with very many movies. I think only Red, Date Night, Baby Mama and Get Smart have been the only movies I can do that with. So this is very exciting!!!

I have the following two films ready on netflix to ship after I return the two I'm about to receive. I'm definitely excited for the 5th. Now I want an Alice and Jill statue.