Resident Evil: Retribution

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Thanks for the answer, Biojex. Now me and Bakurenoh can continue writing our Resident Evil fanfic.

I retconned L.J. back to life. He is now Steve Burnside.
I hope you are bringing back Angel Ortiz as Chris Redfield. When i first saw Afterlife and Angel rolled up i thought it was him. Not baldy in the prison cell wearing grey pajamas.
I hope you are bringing back Angel Ortiz as Chris Redfield. When i first saw Afterlife and Angel rolled up i thought it was him. Not baldy in the prison cell wearing grey pajamas.

You're absolutely right! Good call. Now we just have to recast Claire to look slightly hispanic and we're good to go.

Oh man! Why aren't you writing these movies. Make sure to send me a draft!

It's a collaborative effort, and Paul W.S. Anderson is really fighting us on these awesome ideas. We're currently trying to figure out if Alice should even be able to have children. You helped us a bit on that front.
You're absolutely right! Good call. Now we just have to recast Claire to look slightly hispanic and we're good to go.

It's a collaborative effort, and Paul W.S. Anderson is really fighting us on these awesome ideas. We're currently trying to figure out if Alice should even be able to have children. You helped us a bit on that front.

We need to write up some contracts then. If this becomes profitable I want a percentage.
Shhhh some people still think everybody hates the movies!

Yeap, just wanted to point out that the films have a larger fan base according to the largest social interactive website on the planet despite the claims of the game only fans that "everyone" hates the films.
Gamers are still a minority. More people watch movies in the world than play video games, so honestly, the fact that those game numbers are that close is quite a feat, especially since there too are gamers that are fans of the movies as well.
Cough cough justin bieber has alot of followers to. Cough cough.

no need to post ________ gifs. just saying that just cause somthing has alot of followers doesnt determine the quality of somthing but whatever