In the beginning I was one that was totally against Halloween being re-made because the original was a movie that shouldnt have been touched. I also agree that the the Fog re-make was nothing short of disasterous, IT WAS! Back to Halloween. I'm going to give the movie a chance because from what I have seen so far it looks ok. Rob made Michael look creepier then hell something that the last couple of Halloweens didnt do. Will it fail? Most re-makes do but it depends on the acting and storyline. We shall see. No matter if Halloween is a remake/prequal we will always have the original which never EVER will be touched in any way. The original was and IS a classic and thats just the way it is no matter how many re-makes they do of Halloween. But again I'm gonna give Robs version the benefit of the doubt right now only because it adds more to Michaels legend and for ONCE puts him back in the spotlight were he hasnt been for a long time.
Still undecided on this one in all honesty.... why it had to be remade I will never know!
Still undecided on this one in all honesty.... why it had to be remade I will never know!
i'm still trying to figure out what the heck part 3 was. i love watching the others just for michael, but evil halloween masks???
i'm still trying to figure out what the heck part 3 was. i love watching the others just for michael, but evil halloween masks???
Part II was the end of the Michael Myers chapter, part III was like a new beginning to newer story's. After popular demand they finally brought Michael back in part IV, he was up to that point finished, he had died from part II.
Even though they brought him back in part IV the movie really sucked ass anyway! I think a true Halloween fan would have been more content with the way Carpenter originally ended it.
As far as Carpenter was concerned there never should have been a part two. There was never going to be a part two. But hey, money walks and John "ho'd out" for the money (a lot of money lol). His book has a very interesting chapter about part two. I highly recommend that one.
This movie is now getting REALLY NEGATIVE buzz from those I know who have seen it.
Cool, that probably means it'll be great
Saw a trailer for it on TV, looks pretty fun. There's no way to really top the original, but It'll be interesting to see what Zombie is able to bring to the table.