I think I counted about 15 sights pointed at Brody, Damn!
I haven't read the script or anything, not gonna either!, but that sounds like a clan!

I think I counted about 15 sights pointed at Brody, Damn!
Script changes happen all the time, even during filming, so who knows?
True....however, scripts dont change that quickly so a 100 other Pred suits are made.
There are only 4 Predators in this movie. This has been confirmed.
explain why he has fifteen sights pointed at him then .
explain why he has fifteen sights pointed at him then .
"They learn. They addapt."
What kind of bull____ dialogue is this? Of course they do. They aren't animals. They aren't even just Aliens. They have technology. They are probably smarter than we are. They have space ships. They found ways to become invisible. WTF?! The dialogue better not be as lame as AVP's. That was the worst.
And that stupid shot of Brody with like ten targetting light on him... LAME! There's a whole bunch of Preds standing there invisible, and they all want to be the one to blow away Brody? Not more threatening; just LAME! All the Preds in P2 didn't target Harrigan, just the Elder, because that would have been LAME.
I'm ready to hate this movie in the hopes that I will be extremely surprised. I want it to be great, but I see no evidence of genius in this at all yet.
Oh and that Brody scene is just for dramatic effect. There wont be any more then ONE laser on him.