Shock horror as I discovered how bad the damage was!!
I wasn't gonna give up on this piece...once I was told that I could keep the statue free of charge I decided to repair each leg and the arm one by one with some seriously strong adhesive!! This picture shows my Iron Man LSF back on his feet!! The break line on the right leg is slightly visible from the distance i took the pics from as i had to make sure that the broken part of the leg was attached at just the right position to prevent more work later down the line...
As of now, I have poly filled all the gaps and sanded them down ready for primering so it's a case of getting the colours right which will be my next obstacle. Still can't believe I have got this far as when I saw the break on the right leg I thought it would be unrepairable...only downside is the light up feature...somehow one of the wires may have become disconnected and so I am only getting the arc reactor to light up and not the eyes....(