Robocop IMAGE thread.....

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I keep kicking myself for passing on Ed!

Only things I don't like about the HT Robo is his head is too big and you can't pose his arms in his signature firing pose.

Other than that he's an awesome looking figure. The paint job is truly something.
I keep kicking myself for passing on Ed!

Only things I don't like about the HT Robo is his head is too big and you can't pose his arms in his signature firing pose.

Other than that he's an awesome looking figure. The paint job is truly something.

I do not know wich position you mean, but I've seen alot of different cool poses here, and all of them are the iconic one seen in the movies...













so what signature firing pose did you mean Sachiel? :)
I think I've posted it somewhere here above...
I broke down and ordered the flight pack version as it was only £114 from

It arrived today and it is by far one of my favourite collectibles and I have loads of stuff. I don't understand why people are complaining about the helmet. It doesn't look that bad in person. I was lucky enough not to get one with the paint defect on the helmet.

If anyone is hesitating buying one then don't. Go get it now. I absolutely love this figure.

dude, I asked you if you would by mine, and you didn't want it because it is the V3 you yourself a V3 version for £114, while I was selling mine for £92. :rolleyes::google
Yea. Sorry dude. Like I said I broke down and ordered it off play. I used them because : A) i got it the next day and B) it came with the flight pack.
so what signature firing pose did you mean Sachiel? :)
I think I've posted it somewhere here above...

You can get it close, but the move I'm talking about can't be done with the figure because his arms can only go up sideways so far. In the movie he could pretty much put his arm out straight to the side.
You can get it close, but the move I'm talking about can't be done with the figure because his arms can only go up sideways so far. In the movie he could pretty much put his arm out straight to the side.

give us the movie, and the time, accurate to the second :)
I keep kicking myself for passing on Ed!.
I just got BD ED209 last week from cornerstorecomics for $140.00. It's still available but if you want the normal version ED209 you're looking at about $400.00 on eBay. ED looks great but you cant really pose him much cos his leg extenders weren't designed to work and move up - all you can really do is pose his gun-arms and head and you need his legs in the same static position in order to stand.
So I contacted a user about e HT Robo they had for sale and they said it was still available, and I told him I was interested in buying it.

Then after I PM him a few more times he said sorry it's gone, WTF? Is this how everyone here does business? He said while we were talking about me purchasing the robo, this guy already paid paypal. What ever happened to the honor system and respecting that who ever contacts you first should get first dibs?

Well that sucks.

Thanks nicky, but I'm not interested in the BD version.

That's what I didn't like about the HT ED. It could have had more articulation. That and it wasn't as accurate as it could have been.

Still, he's my favorite from the Robocop (movie) series.
So I contacted a user about e HT Robo they had for sale and they said it was still available, and I told him I was interested in buying it.

Then after I PM him a few more times he said sorry it's gone, WTF? Is this how everyone here does business? He said while we were talking about me purchasing the robo, this guy already paid paypal. What ever happened to the honor system and respecting that who ever contacts you first should get first dibs?


still got my robo in a V2 box with V3 head here :) just telling :p