first of all: these pictures aren't mine
but I really wanted to post this here, because...well the photos speak for themselves!
could a neca robocop pull that of while standing next to the ED-209?
okay, I know that they are not the same scale, but still, if you would make the neca at the same scale as the hot toys and stand it next to the ED-209 doing some wouldn't be the same...I think
But these pictures are just so vivid and so alive

(maybe because the pictures are well taken and so credit goes to the photographer and his camera)
It really has a very dynamic look, that it looks like they have come alive on a 6th scale when you look at those pictures

Fact is: cool poses, and good picture quality, and a good eye.
edit: I am actually saving to buy one of those few, but very expensive ED-209's on ebay

, the undamaged version. So it can go with my Robocop Flight Pack version :chew