Insufferable S.O.B.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)
Some Mouse Checks musta bounced.
Currently at 78% on RottenTomatoes.com.
Some Mouse Checks musta bounced.
Currently at 78% on RottenTomatoes.com.
What made it so bad was there was so much potential for some great 3D.
Some Mouse Checks musta bounced.
Well reviews are still warm but more mixed. This one worries me..
Well reviews are still warm but more mixed. This one worries me..
"Lobotomized and depersonalized, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” the latest entry in the film franchise, is a pure and perfect product that makes last year’s flavor, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” feel like an exemplar of hands-on humanistic warmth and dramatic intimacy. Sure, J. J. Abrams’s movie offered merely effectively packaged simulacra of such values—but at least he tried. The director of “Rogue One,” Gareth Edwards, has stepped into a mythopoetic stew so half-baked and overcooked, a morass of pre-instantly overanalyzed implications of such shuddering impact to the series’ fundamentalists, that he lumbers through, seemingly stunned or constrained or cautious to the vanishing point of passivity, and lets neither the characters nor the formidable cast of actors nor even the special effects, of which he has previously proved himself to be a master, come anywhere close to life."
Without fail, writers who use a lot of alliteration usually do so to hide a lack of substance. Also reviewers who use words like mythopoetic. Also reviewers who use words.
Without fail, writers who use a lot of alliteration usually do so to hide a lack of substance. Also reviewers who use words like mythopoetic. Also reviewers who use words.
Without fail, writers who use a lot of alliteration usually do so to hide a lack of substance. Also reviewers who use words like mythopoetic. Also reviewers who use words.
I had a similar thought after reading that. I hope the rest of his review was more intelligible.
Just saw it.
Wow I see that it went up to 84%, Disney will get it to 90.
They better or I won't go see it.
Just saw it...wow, it felt like I was watching one of the OT. They really nailed the old SW aesthetic, and didn't pull any punches with the story and characters. More of these 'in between' films would awesome if they can maintain this level of quality.
Yeah they really brought it home with this one. After TFA, which I really didn't like, this Rogue One has restored a bit of faith.