Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real
Little review of my impressions. Overall I thought it was excellent and always knew it would immediately date ANH just based on how cinematography and action has changed in 40 years.
I actually thought the first half or two-thirds were well executed given what they were doing (bouncing around planets), shows how much better the PT could have been in that regard. My only thought was, didn't need to see so much little girl Jyn, bring on Felicty, so with that in mind I guess I'm okay that they cut some of Whittaker's scenes.
I thought the score was weak at several points along the way though, in Yavin base there were times the score just didn't feel like it matched the mood of the scene.
- Two tubes was a great character design, would have liked even more of him
- U-wing was awesome and looked like it was used sparingly enough that I guess it's okay that they never show up again.
- Tarkin was distracting at times, surprised they used him so much, but I was also pretty amazed, even though the CGI was obviously evident.
- Krennic's ship, don't know why they wouldn't just use an Imperial Shuttle, has a better design.
- Viper TIE, pointless.
- Didn't need the Leia cameo
- All the effort with Leia and Tarking but Antilles looked like a cosplayer and pretty sure he didn't have an accent like he did in ANH
I'm of the opinion that Vader would have been better on Scarif as well, but if he's on Scariff you have to get him off before the planet is destroyed.
It's also problematic how he's destroying people left and right and then fighting like a tired old man with Ben. I also don't like that he literally sees the Tantive in the midst of the giant space battle and is then having a back-and-forth with Leia and Antilles in ANH about whether they're part of the Rebel Alliance, doesn't really make much sense. Felt like he shouldn't have been witness to all that for continuity's sake.
I can't believe in Vader's first scene/appearance since the ROTS non-sense they opted to give him a pun.