Curse you both for making me go full SW super-nerd. You're STILL both wrong. Coruscant first appeared in 1997's ROTJ SE:
In ROTJ, originally Vader and Palpatine were going to fight with Luke and Force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda at the Emperors lava lair, so we kind of got that multiple combatants thing between those characers in ROTS.
Rogue One also has stormtroopers that look like they're straight from the original Ralph Mcquairie illustrations which I love. We got those beach front battles for both Rogue One and ROTS. Also that crystal Jyn had around her neck along with the Jedi planet go back as far as Lucas' 70s drafts from "The Star Wars". I think everything from that weird protector/journal of the whills/adventures of Luke Starkiller to Revenge of the Jedi have been covered. Might not have got Luke Starkiller, but we got a Starkiller in TFA. Might not have had a Wookiee planet in the 80s for ROTJ but we got it in ROTS. Stuff like that I love.