Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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That was ballsy of them to try and tackle ANH Leia. Like with action figures there is no more unforgiving likeness than a young lady. With Tarkin they had lots of nooks and crannies in his face to fall back on and sell the illusion that he was real. Like you said though, I'd put him on par with 1984 Arnie in Genisys. With Leia I didn't think she looked bad per se as far as realism is concerned but it just didn't quite match Carrie's likeness. Still a cool scene and I'm sure it'll look lightyears better at home then on a 15/70 IMAX screen.

When Tarkin first showed up I got nervous but the way they did his first scene with the poor lighting I thought, "okay, not bad, maybe that's all there is" and then when he kept coming back I got concerned that it was going to take me out of the movie. But that pay-off with him showing up on Scariff. Hell yeah, made it all worth it. So I'm more than fine with how he was handled.

Vader was off the charts though. I got a chuckle that his planet was the ONE planet that didn't get an identifying subtitle. Almost like Gareth was saying, "um, yeah, you can assume this is Mustafar if you want or you can just imagine it to be whatever generic lava planet he used to live on BEFORE the prequels were made." :lol Well played Gareth.

I love the idea that he spends as much time as possible naked in a bacta tank, sans all mechanics. Especially juxtaposed with how ruthless he was in the suit.

Jyn's home planet at the beginning didn't get a title either. It's called Lah'mu, btw ...
True true...he wasn't aware that Leia was onboard that specific ship that dropped and took off, if they didn't see any markings he could've just hijacked one on a diplomatic mission.

Yay, Khev did it...Khev did it! :fest

:yess: :D

The darkness of RO almost makes me want to forsake TFA and cling to the warm and fuzzy ending of ROTJ as the official end of the saga. We've not only never seen a SW movie like RO but there's little in all of science-fiction that compares. Even bloody horror films like ALIEN and ALIENS ended with more of the main cast surviving. The closest thing to RO in bleakness with regard to mainstream sci-fi is probably Alien 3 and even in THAT movie the dude who got shot in the leg lived to tell the tale. Not so with the Rogue One crew. Hell more people survived the end battle of Saving Private Ryan than RO.

Makes me even more glad that the DS gets destroyed in the following movie, and that now we can assume that Luke named his snowspeeder squadron as tribute to Jyn's crew. And that all the sacrifices made on Scariff led to mass celebration and joy at the end of ROTJ. RO to Jedi is a hell of a narrative.

And something that just occurred to me with regard to Krennic and Tarkin is that Galen Erso's revenge also became Krennic's revenge. Because it was Krennic who enlisted Erso, thereby initiating the development of a hidden critical flaw in the DS's design, a flaw that would ultimately lead to Tarkin's death.
Why didn't Vader just blow up the ship where the Death Star plans were transmitted by Jyn? Why the need to retrieve the files? Was that VHS tape-sized file that Jyn stole the only copy? And I thought it was the Mon Calamari ship that received the transmitted plans but the ship that Vader boarded was full of humans, not Calamaris (or whatever species they're called).
As I opined in the TFA thread...

Disney now has two successful, but safe, SW films that haven't really brought anything new to the table. But it can't trade on nostalgia forever. I predict Ep VIII will be more adventurous and therefore more divisive, just like the prequels.
For me the prequels weren't problematic because they were adventurous, but because they had a lot of poor acting/dialogue in them. Makes them hard to watch.
I felt the dialogue was fitting for the "height of the Republic" it was attempting to portray, but yes some of the acting could have been better. Though you could say the same about the OT.
:yess: :D

The darkness of RO almost makes me want to forsake TFA and cling to the warm and fuzzy ending of ROTJ as the official end of the saga. We've not only never seen a SW movie like RO but there's little in all of science-fiction that compares. Even bloody horror films like ALIEN and ALIENS ended with more of the main cast surviving. The closest thing to RO in bleakness with regard to mainstream sci-fi is probably Alien 3 and even in THAT movie the dude who got shot in the leg lived to tell the tale. Not so with the Rogue One crew. Hell more people survived the end battle of Saving Private Ryan than RO.

Makes me even more glad that the DS gets destroyed in the following movie, and that now we can assume that Luke named his snowspeeder squadron as tribute to Jyn's crew. And that all the sacrifices made on Scariff led to mass celebration and joy at the end of ROTJ. RO to Jedi is a hell of a narrative.

And something that just occurred to me with regard to Krennic and Tarkin is that Galen Erso's revenge also became Krennic's revenge. Because it was Krennic who enlisted Erso, thereby initiating the development of a hidden critical flaw in the DS's design, a flaw that would ultimately lead to Tarkin's death.


As I opined in the TFA thread...

Disney now has two successful, but safe, SW films that haven't really brought anything new to the table. But it can't trade on nostalgia forever. I predict Ep VIII will be more adventurous and therefore more divisive, just like the prequels.

Nothing new?

First SW movie where most of the primary good guys die.

Vader's attack.

Cgi dead actors.

Cgi rebel fleet attack.

First SW movie with no lightsaber to lightsaber fight.

Return of OT characters at their original age.

PT character in OT era.

Beach setting.

No crawl.

Location titles.

Shall I go on lol.
Well you guys missed the most obvious one:

First SW with no Kenobi.

(even though he was alluded to, but never mentioned by name)

If only they didn't cram the droids in there.

EDIT: If you are going to say TFA, you do hear Ben's voice pretty clearly in that. :)
I loved that aside from the telepathic octopus there wasn't a single digital alien in the film. Haven't seen that since ROTJ.

And was that one little insurgent on Jedha an Ugnaught? He was badass. :lol

So that's yet another thing. RO made Ugnaughts badass.

I loved it how Admiral Calamari kept looking down and being able to see thru the clear floor of his command ship!

Plus he came up with an awesome plan to use the hammerhead corvette, finally an admiral making admiral decisions!

Another bad ass lol.
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