Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Ah man, 20 bucks to watch it digitally a week and half early? Are digital copies normally the full price of a blu-ray?

It's still playing at the $2 theater down the street from me. I could watch it on the big screen five more times for half the price of the stupid digital.

:lol :lol

Ah man, 20 bucks to watch it digitally a week and half early? Are digital copies normally the full price of a blu-ray?

It's still playing at the $2 theater down the street from me. I could watch it on the big screen five more times for half the price of the stupid digital.

Usually, the buys are, but to rent is $5 or $6
Buying digital so close to bluray is absolutely nuts especially when bluray comes with digital lol.

I can see if 2-3 months before bluray but not 12 days!
I agree, unless it's one of those movies you absolutely can't wait for. I can see khev purchasing the digital and enjoying it.
Usually, the buys are, but to rent is $5 or $6

So it will be available as a normal On Demand rental this Friday for the usual 6 or 7 bucks? I could do that.

I agree, unless it's one of those movies you absolutely can't wait for. I can see khev purchasing the digital and enjoying it.

This is the first movie I've ever considered "adopting early" via digital purchase but like jye said not for that much this close to the blu-ray release. Luckily I saw it enough times on the big screen that I'm not *that* desperate to see it again asap.
Ah man, 20 bucks to watch it digitally a week and half early? Are digital copies normally the full price of a blu-ray?

It's still playing at the $2 theater down the street from me. I could watch it on the big screen five more times for half the price of the stupid digital.
Do it, Khev. If you need to justify it, I'll never give this movie another nickel. So, by your paying more, you are basically cancelling out my vote against this film as mediocre and unnecessary.
I know this doesn't apply to guys like DiFabio, karamazov, etc., but for those of us unapologetic fanboys I thought this was pretty funny:


I never actually teared up at any point watching this film but I definitely went "full Shia" during the space battle and Vader sequences. :lol
Tell us again how you cried at the end of Logan. *snicker*

Not full on sobbing but yeah, I teared up at the "so this is what death feels like", "daddy, no" and Shane eulogy. I don't care.

All the deaths in Logan were more poignant and affecting than anything in Rogue One.

Cholos getting their faces taken off brutally > Stormtroopers dying by a blind guy with a stick
Caliban dying by a grenade > the defecting imperial pilot, middle eastern paki food dying by a grenade
Farm father > Forrest Whitaker
The mom and son (who only made second and third place) > token Asian minority #1 (blind ver.) and #2 (heavy gunner that stole Boba Fett's pants)
Annoying Mexican nurse lady > not C-3PO
Impaled Xavier and impaled Logan > what's her name and what's his name mushroom cloud hug

The TDKR imperial man dying ironically at the hands of the Death Star and Tarkin's hands was a good death though. Better than grass. I'll give it that.

Also, X-24, Logan and Laura chopping up mercenaries in full gore glory > Darth Vader chopping up Rebel guys Battlefront II video game style

Uhhh what else.

Logan and Laura > Jinn Gon and her imperial dad
Evil Logan clone > scary horror show CGI Leia
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Yes, better than grass strangle.

Also video game Tarkin > scientist man that Logan shoots in the head