Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Irish is too close to WB that every once in awhile he's needs a Moonstruck slap from kara. :lol

Truth be told, I don't work for WB... I work for Cruel & Unusual Films, and used to work for Legendary Pictures. I've always been with the production companies, not the studios. [emoji12]

That said, boy do I have some stories about some of these productions (particularly Sucker Punch) that I might share one day.

Let's put in this way... The reason why it might look like WB has Zack on a long leash and gives him carte blanch (which they really don't) is because he's earned a TON of karma points with them.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I wasn't trying to insult Irish :lol Just commenting that the logical end for these companies is often to take Disney's perspective. The reason we see so much executive control isn't just because execs like wielding influence. But because there is evidence to suggest it works if done right. Look at Fox, they gave lots of free reign to Vaughn and Singer and it worked out. They extended that to Trank and. . .it didn't. Feige is a master at controlling the puppet strings at Marvel. Lasseter at Pixar has also had a great deal of success. WB had success with Nolan, and little to mixed success with everything else DC-related over the past decade or so. So, they might look elsewhere for a better strategy of how to make things work financially. And you could do worse than Disney.

It's great that artists are given free reign in some instances. But that good will is only going to go so far if the end result isn't buckets of cash.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Kathleen Kennedy is also a master, and I dare say has a more impressive resume than Feige.

IF these rumors are true, it's because Disney is being too meddlesome. You'd think Kennedy and LFL would have the benefit of doubt, especially after the total success of TFA.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Well that would be weird since the Justice League cameos in BvS were all mandated by WB in the first place. They're not above meddling, either.
This is true. It's always a question of degree. With WB, my bigger concern is that the execs just aren't well suited to the task of trying to maximize their potential. I was making this argument well before Man of Steel even came out.

Kathleen Kennedy is also a master, and I dare say has a more impressive resume than Feige.
No doubt.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

The only thing that matters is the final product. Reshoots, no reshoots, whatever. If the movie is good who cares?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

The only thing that matters is the final product. Reshoots, no reshoots, whatever. If the movie is good who cares?

I care IF it's true that Disney is stepping in to make the film less gritty and "safer". When it comes to the filmmaker vs studio on vision over a film, I will side with the filmmaker 99.9% of the time, because they are the artist.

And again, Kennedy and Edwards deserve the benefit of the doubt here.

Really hoping these rumors are blown a tad out of proportion. Pick up shoots aren't the problem... Unless the reason behind them is the studio forcing a huge overhaul and re-shaping of the film.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

But Edwards doesn't have much of a track record, does he? Monsters and Godzilla? Neither critical darlings. Do we even know that Kennedy isn't part of the chorus asking for these reshoots?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I know I was not excited about Edwards. But at the time we still had Trank to worry about.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Dodged a bullet with that one, I would say :lol Amazing how much interest folks had in Trank after his one, decent movie. I guess execs across studios want to hope for the best with young, potential talent.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

But Edwards doesn't have much of a track record, does he? Monsters and Godzilla? Neither critical darlings. Do we even know that Kennedy isn't part of the chorus asking for these reshoots?

Again IF the gist of these reports is true, then I would have to assume she isn't as she was on set almost the entire time and would have known what's up with the film all the way through. The rumors are that Disney suits saw a cut of the film and got scared. Probably because it's too dark and gritty for them to sell a bunch of vinylmation toys in their god damned theme parks.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Hey man. . .those theme parks are awesome. This:


was better than Force Awakens.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Disney denies the reports and says that the pick-ups were planned.

I'm of the camp that doesn't care as long as the final product is good.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Jesus, the international "press" have the knives out already. Now I liked the trailer for Rogue One, but thought it looked like an expensive fan film. I mean that in a good way. But the ninja stuff, the TV acting and OTT stuff from Forest got me worried. I will be seeing this at midnight opening day, I love SW. But I'm not an Edwards fan, Monsters was overrated and Godzilla was a colossal pile of dino poo (IMO). I hope they learn a little from this if what I'm hearing is true. Trank, then this?
They need super experienced A list directors to handle Star Wars, NOT Colin Treverrorrrorrrooow.

Disney should be worried about this type of trashy reporting in international press. Bad word of mouth is so dangerous for a movie like this.

"There's a disturbance in the force! Star Wars spin-off Rogue One is 'so bad Disney chiefs ordered FOUR WEEKS of reshoots'

PUBLISHED: 06:33, 31 May 2016 | UPDATED: 09:59, 31 May 2016

It has a release date that is not so far, far away.

But Disney bosses are apparently so alarmed at how bad the new Star Wars spin-off movie Rogue One is that they have ordered four weeks of expensive reshoots in a bid to salvage the project.

After the money-making bonanza that was The Force Awakens, they are reportedly shocked at how the new film, which takes place shortly before the original Star Wars and features delicate English starlet Felicity Jones as a tough-talking maverick pilot.

So much for her summer holidays: Rogue One star Felicity Jones will doubtlessly be required on-set after it emerged Disney had ordered four weeks of reshoots

A source told Page Six: 'The execs at Disney are not happy with the movie, and Rogue One will have to go back into four weeks of expensive reshoots in July.

And it seems up-and-coming director Gareth Edwards, best known for 2014's Godzilla, is the person being fingered for the blame.

According to the insider, 'Gareth’s work on the first Godzilla shows he can handle a big studio blockbuster.

'But Rogue One has fallen short of what JJ Abrams did with Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens. So Disney has ordered reshoots.'

'Disney won’t take a back seat, and is demanding changes, as the movie isn’t testing well.'

See Star Wars Rogue One updates as 'Disney chiefs ordered four weeks of reshoots'

Despite the ostensibly exciting story of the Rebel Alliance seizing the plans of the Death Star audiences are said to be far from impressed

Given how JJ's effort is hardly a work of cinematic high art, and more of a high octane remix of the first Star Wars than anything remotely original, the fact the new film has failed to reach the same standard is surely alarming for fans of the beloved franchise.
The plot reportedly sees resistance fighters embark on a daring mission to steal the plans for the Death Star before it can be used to enforce the Emperor’s cruel rule. The new film will see the fledgling Rebel Alliance working to steal the plans for the Death Star before the weapon of mass destruction can be used by the Galactic Empire to enforce the Emperor's rule.

Even Jar Jar Binks could have done better: Director Gareth Edwards supposedly turned in a disappointing cut

Run Forest: Unfortunately for Oscar-winner Whitaker he has been hired to add gravitas to the popcorn flick

Felicity, 32, who is best known for turns in costume dramas such as Brideshead Revisited and appearing alongside Russel Brand in Shakespearean adaptation The Tempest, was a surprise choice to star as the lead in the space opera.

She managed to beat off the likes of Tatiana Maslany and both Rooney and Kate Mara for the coveted role.

Other big names appearing in the movie, which is scheduled for a December 16 release, include Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker, Hannibal star Mads Mikkelsen and Diego Luna."
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

FOUR weeks of reshoots? Wow- the film must be quite bad in Disney's eyes cause that's BIG $$$$ to do that much first unit shooting...