"Be careful not to choke on your alternate casting choices Torturer of OCD..."
You should see my "change" list for 'Jedi'
Kurt Russell > Robert Downey Jr. > Davy Jones > young Captain Jack sparrow > the Dude from Tron > the Na'vi > Tarkin > Arnold in Terminator Genisys > the Scorpion King aka the Rock in Mummy II > Princess Leia
Kurt Russell > Robert Downey Jr. > Davy Jones > young Captain Jack sparrow > the Dude from Tron > the Na'vi > Tarkin > Arnold in Terminator Genisys > the Scorpion King aka the Rock in Mummy II > Princess Leia
I could be watching Rogue One right now, but opted for Samurai Cop.
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2. Tarkin. Watch this with a few "younger" or "less jaded" normal people and you will find 90% of then has no idea there were any other CGI characters in it besides Leia....so Disney succeeded on that front. I hope they keep pushing this envelope.
Seriously considering Cannibal Campout. But anything could happen. . .apart from watching Rogue One again.
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