Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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do yourself a favor and watch RO.

Well, almost a year later, I finally gave this movie a watch today and... I thought it was pretty dull, flat, boring, and forgettable TBH. I'm burnt out on SW, but unlike TFA and TLJ, I didn't watch this one with the expectation that I wouldn't like it and decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. I think this movie had some good ideas on paper, but the final execution was just... meh. The only scenes I would really call "fun" or "memorable" are everything with Vader, who's barely in the movie. I wasn't invested in any of the characters save for Galen (solely because Mads played him) and the droid, of all characters.

It's nothing I care about watching again but I liked it more (well, I disliked it less) than TFA and TLJ. 6/10 from me.
Well, at least it's not just "RO > TLJ". You're making progress.

I gotta lump TLJ with TFA now....TLJ ruined the before and after in the ST... IMHO...only death or a jesus miracle can wipe this cancer
I gotta lump TLJ with TFA now....TLJ ruined the before and after in the ST... IMHO...only death or a jesus miracle can wipe this cancer

I'm there with you, accept OT>RO>PT>ST.... I liked TFA, and originally would've put it before the PT, but knowing I'm expected to watch TLJ after TFA, I don't want to watch it anymore either.... :(
New info from Tony Gilroy on the reshoots:

“I’ve never been interested in Star Wars, ever. So I had no reverence for it whatsoever. I was unafraid about that. And they were in such a swamp … they were in so much terrible, terrible trouble that all you could do was improve their position.”

"I came in after the director's cut. I have a screenplay credit in the arbitration that was easily won," said Gilroy.

“If you look at Rogue, all the difficulty with Rogue, all the confusion of it … and all the mess, and in the end when you get in there, it’s actually very, very simple to solve. Because you sort of go, ‘This is a movie where, folks, just look. Everyone is going to die.’ So it’s a movie about sacrifice.”

"It doesn't appeal to me," he said of making another Star Wars film. "But I don't think Rogue really is a Star Wars movie in many ways. To me, it's a Battle of Britain movie."

Makes me wonder what the original version was. In all that footage that never made it into the final movie, it was clear that the broadcast didn’t work and Jyn and Cassian were running on the beach with the HDD. Alan Tudyk was running with them too meaning k2so was still around. The troopers in the water and Krennic walking among their floating bodies was cut. A Vader scene with Krennic in a star destroyer was cut. And of course a bunch of Jyn’s scenes from the iconic one of her in the imperial disguise to the tie fighter she walked over to.

Can’t remember much else anymore. I do remember a report saying the original film was too violent and hence it was needed to be toned down, and that not everyone was going to die.

My favourite rumour was the one that Vader originally landed on the beach in his ship, and started ripping everyone to pieces, Force throwing people into trees and... :)lol) that he made a meat shield out of the dead bodies with the force.

Somehow it seems to me I would have liked Edwards original cut better, but Gilroy’s interview doesn’t make anything clear except that he was the one who saved it from its status of being a ‘mess’
My favourite rumour was the one that Vader originally landed on the beach in his ship, and started ripping everyone to pieces, Force throwing people into trees and... :)lol) that he made a meat shield out of the dead bodies with the force.

That would've been cool.

Somehow it seems to me I would have liked Edwards original cut better, but Gilroy’s interview doesn’t make anything clear except that he was the one who saved it from its status of being a ‘mess’

Gilroy & Johnson must be best buds. Gilroy saved RO, & Johnson fixed all the dumb ideas JJ put into TFA by just pretending they didn't exist and brushing them off...They can give each other reach arounds as they discuss how Star Wars was a mess with out them!

New info from Tony Gilroy on the reshoots:


Disney's Star Wars Story Group (codename for their Scientology Politburo handler division) needs to get over to Tony Gilroy's house and use the same intervention techniques they used on Mark Hamill a few months ago - Hamill seems so natural now too.

This glaring oversight with Gilroy should see some "Story Group" heads roll internally though.
I hope all the members who refused to believe that Gilroy stepped in and basically took over the project will be quiet now. I won't name names, you know who you are. Gilroy took over from Edwards and redirected a load of material and then re-edited the movie alone with Kennedy and the Lucasfilm gang. Edwards was told to play along by his agent and management. Good thing too, RO is the best SW movie since the Disney take over.

“And they were in such a swamp … they were in so much terrible, terrible trouble that all you could do was improve their position.”
I am more concern about SNIKT claims that the Gareth's cut is far superior compared to the Gilroy cut which sounds like it fixes a lot of problem with the film.

Gilroy is now basically saying on the record that he saved RO and that the original cut is a mess.