@Ang yes 'the worst' is indeed if Buutenks would be a separate release. I don't get his release AT ALL. If you're gonna release two super buus, make one of them at least the neutral tall buu.
I MIGHT still buy a buu, but I want one that looks like neutral buu, at this point I'm fine with either super or kid. I don't want the absorbed looks. And though Vegito is cool, I have no idea what to do with that figure, I literally wouldn't know where to put it. And honestly, he's kinda cool, but I'm not a particular fan, he was never meant to remain like that as the permanance of the earrings could have never lasted writing-wise, and he's only in a couple of eps. Not worth it to me. Every other time vegeta and goku will fuse they'll become Gogeta not Vegito. He's cool, but not important to me, and I'm not in the 'I buy everything I find cool' phase of collecting anymore.
Besides a gohan, a vegeta, a goku, videl and maybe gotenks and either super or kid buu, I don't need anything post-cell. It's kindof bizarre that I'm at a point where I probably WOULD have bought a kid buu next to a super buu, and now they're making neither.XD Bizarre.
@WVA here's a super short summary:
- Buuhan, Buutenks, Ultimate Gohan and ssj4 Goku were all shown and are the presumed next SHF Figuarts releases. They all seem to be manga coloured.
- SHF Zero had a new boku and vegeta saiyan saga beam battle, a Raditz, and a Bardock.
- They announced quite a lot of cool new effects and a DBZ rock-wasteland-stand.
- Recently in an interview from nycc14 we learned there's NO confirmation or decision made on web exclusive releases. And because of Broly's insane PO - numbers they might take another look at Shenron. He ignored Nappa, he said another vegeta release "is very possible" and DBZ is Tamashii's top selling line


I think that's about the most crucial recap of all stuff. Most of us have speculated Buuhan and Buutenks are the same release, but I recently saw Buutenks has a three part torso which made me get weary of whether this is true.